When Jason Momoa graced our screens as Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones he (quite problematically given the role) quickly became a sex-symbol. Since then, his role as Aquaman has cemented his status as one of the hottest men alive. And yet, this entire week he has been bombarded with comments about his physique.
When an image surfaced of him on holiday trolls rushed to comment on his new shape. ‘Omg his stomach,’ one person commented. ‘Someone needs to start lifting again…’ another added, while others stated ‘been working on his dad belly!’
Let’s be clear, regardless of what he looks like commenting on anyone’s body shape is not okay. But what’s even more terrifying about this is that he genuinely looks fit and healthy. Yes he appears to have lost some muscle mass and is somewhat less lean than when he played Aquaman, but actually for him to stay in the shape all year round would be extremely unsustainable and contrary to popular belief, unhealthy.
According to personal trainer Coach Huld, who shared a very illuminating thread on Twitter about this very issue, Momoa’s physique in Aquaman would likely have driven his body to ‘breaking point’ and is not a long-term healthy lifestyle to lead.
‘Momoa is probably stronger and fitter and MUCH healthier in that photo than he ever is during his film shoots,’ the coach shared, ‘to get “Film Ready” actors starve themselves and work their bodies to breaking point for months. On top of that, when it comes time to film their topless scenes, they will literally not eat or drink for a full day to make sure the abs pop.’
Essentially, this conversation reinforces the idea that you can never tell someone’s health just by looking at them and speaks to the widespread fatphobia that exists within our society. For Coach Huld, ‘transformations’ like Momoa’s are actually quite problematic to watch, knowing that the films they star in are marketing towards young people who can be susceptible to the unhealthy messaging that quick body transformations are achievable and sustainable.
And it’s not just implicit messaging either, fatphobia is explicitly prevalent in many superhero films of which the target audience is mainly children. ‘Let’s not forget the anti-fatness that made “Fat Thor” the butt of so many jokes,’ Coach Huld stated, ‘His fatness is equated with giving up, with depression, with an unhealthy mind and body. And under all that is Chris, selling his fitness app with his rock-hard abs.’
Clearly, there is a larger conversation to be had around the way body image is presented in kids films, but for today the glaring message is obvious: leave Jason Momoa alone.
Read more: All of the dearly departed men in Game of Thrones...
Game Of Thrones Dearly Departed Men - Grazia (stacked)

Robb Stark
One of the shows greatest losses in both character and eye candy, Robb Stark – played by The Bodyguard's Richard Madden - was killed by Roose Bolton in season three. We're still mourning.

Khal Drogo
One of the most emotionally conflicting deaths on Game of Thrones, Khal Drogo – portrayed by Jason Momoa - may have begun as one of our most hated characters, but his development in Daenerys true love left us hoping for a happy ending. Smothered by Daenerys to end his suffering, the eye candy Khal Drogo brought to our screens is something we still long for to this day.

Oberyn Martell
Killed in battle with The Mountain, Oberyn's impeccable sense of style landed him in our hearts before swiftly taking him off our screens. Portrayed by Pedro Pascal, he still sports some unusual tastes for fashion in real life.

Jon Snow
The death that almost had us boycott the entire show, Jon Snow – portrayed by Kit Harrington - was killed by the black brothers before being resurrected in season six. Honestly, if we couldn't see Jon Snow on our screens every week we'd probably cancel our TV license and call it a day.

Dickon Tarly
Dickon – played by Tom Hopper - may have got what he deserved when he refused to bend the knee to Daenerys, whom has her dragon burn him alive in response, but as viewers we truly did not deserve to lose his excellence.

Eddark Stark
Nothing says fit like Lord Regent of the Seven Kingdoms. Played by Sean Bean, while Ned's title may have given him sex appeal, it also put him in the firing line for an untimely death. Executed by Ilyn Payne on the command of Joffrey Baratheon, Ned's heroism is still truly missed.

Trystane Martell
Trystane – played by Toby Sebastian - may have epitomized pretty boy, but his looks were taken from us abruptly in season five at the hands of Obara Sand.

Stannis Baratheon
Killed by Brienne of Tarth in season five, Stannis – played by Stephen Dillane- won us over with his steeley looks and silver beard.

Hizdahr Zo Loraq
The sons of Harpy continued to take away our most beautiful characters for the whole of season 5, with Hizdahr – played by Joel Fry - taken far too soon.

Roose Bolton
Lost at the start of season six, Roose – played by Michael McElhatton -was killed by Ramsay Bolton. He may have raised an abhorrent excuse for a human – or TV character – but he can't be denied as one of GoT's fittest losses.

Tywin Lannister
Played by Charles Dance, Tywin was the ultimate silver fox on GoT. That being said, his death was long-awaited - is there one male character on Game Of Thrones that you haven't wanted to die at one point? – and came at the hands of Tyrion Lannister.

Viserys Targaryen
Admittedly a welcome death for a truly horrific character, Viserys – played by Harry Lloyd - was killed by Khal Drogo in series one. The only thing we miss about him is the way his blonde mop of hair framed his chiseled cheekbones.

Renly Baratheon
While his role, and death, may be quite forgettable in the grand scheme of major deaths, Renly Baratheon's beard is one we will forever remember. While Gethin Anthony may not keep it as full in real life, at least we don't have to see the ridiculous crown he sported in character on the red carpet.