In typical V-day cuteness fashion (or cringeness depending on how well you slept last night) Millie Bobby Brown confirmed her relationship with Jacob Sartorius in a PDA Instagram post yesterday. After months of speculation, the pair went public and pretty much made us all squirm uncomfortably (or smile if you’re into that whole loves young dream bullshit). But who is this young buck stealing our favourite child-stars heart? Is he good enough for the Netflix sweetheart? WILL WE HAVE TO BREAK OUT THE CREEPY POSSESSIVE FATHER SPEECH?
Who is Jacob Sartorius?
Jacob rose to fame in the same way every other child-star seems to rise to fame these days, on social media. Starting on Vine, then and now YouTube – the haven of positivity and responsible content that it is- garnering a following of 2.38million. Instinctively, I’m skeptical. Social media fame is laden with attempts to use other stars to gain followers with crossing into mainstream media being the ultimate goal for many YouTubers. It’s hard not to be concerned that he’s using the rising star’s catapult into fame for his own gain, but we’re going to try and emulate posi vibes on this one and hope for the best.
What we can judge however, is his hilarious back catalogue of YouTube content that gave him the cult following he currently has (and when we say cult we mean it, these ‘JacObsesser’s’ don’t play around). Check out his most viewed video, the first song he released under an independent record label that got 48 million views. No, that wasn’t a typo…48 MILLION:
Now, if you’re not cringed out enough, how about a compilation of his best’s featuring rolled up sleeves, endless backward caps and even a few body rolls. In fact, just don’t watch it. No one needs to see a 15-year-old body roll…
So by now, you’re probably sat there wondering how the hell he gained such a huge following off a few lip-sync videos, you’re not alone. The obsession with young, pre-pubescent boys on social media is beyond all reason and logic. Well the obsession is beyond logic, the following isn’t- these boys have the best PR teams ever known behind them to ensure every day of their lives is an opportunity to gain more fans.
There was even a tour, called the MAGCON Tour, that Jacob went on with other viral teen boys, meeting fans and performing their bang average songs for thousands of young, screaming girls. Just check this out:
Honestly, the issue most people have with MAGCON is better explained by fellow YouTuber Christine Sydelko than I ever could:
He's been in a far few online scandals, from fans accusing him of pressuring them to send nudes and alleged screenshots where he insults peoples weight and says he's only in it for money. So, you can see why we’d be somewhat worried about Jacob sidling up to our favourite Stranger Things cast member. Millie is a badass child star if there ever was one, she’s an unbelievable actor, seems extremely secure and un-phased by the pressures of fame but she’s still only 13.
Alas, all we can do is hope that Jacob’s hunger for fame only goes as far as making super cringe music videos. Maybe we’ll even see Millie in one someday, God knows they need a bit of talent involved
Check out all of the Stranger Things 3 latest news...
Stranger Things Season 3

Is Stranger Things Season 3 definitely happening?
Yes. It's happening. Get ready...The Duffer Brothers (aka, the brilliant brains behind the show) have spoken a few time about what's up next, and it looks like we've got at least another two seasons to look forward to. In an interview with New York Magazine, Ross and Matt Duffer said: 'We're thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out'. But, before you panic at the thought of Stranger Things not existing, executive producer Shawn Levy told Entertainment Weekly that it's probably not going to be that finite. He said: 'Hearts were heard breaking in Netflix headquarters when the brothers made four seasons sound like an official end, and I was suddenly getting phone calls from our actors' agents. The truth is we're definitely going four seasons [sic] and there's very much the possibility of a fifth. Beyond that, it becomes I think very unlikely.'

What’s going to happen in Stranger Things 3?
So, we already know that much like last time around, time will fast forward a year between season two and three. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Matt Duffer said: 'Even if we wanted to hop into the action faster, we couldn't. Our kids are ageing.' Yeah, lots of people seem to forgot about that minor detail of child stars eventually becoming adult stars thing too. 'We can only write and produce the show so fast. They're going to be almost a year older by the time we start shooting season three,' Duffer added. 'It provides certain challenges. You can't start right after season two ended. It forces you to do a time jump. But what I like is that it makes you evolve the show.' As for where the story left off, who knows. It's so like Stranger Things to lure you into false sense of security in the shape of a small-town school dance, only to realise that oh, danger still exists and seems to be lurking just beyond your realm of existence. Sorry kids, the Mind Flayer is going to be back.

When will Stranger Things 3 be released?
Our bets are on towards the end of 2018. Maybe even just ahead of Christmas this time around? If shooting hasn't begun yet and storylines are yet to be finalised, I'm pretty sure that next Halloween might be a bit of a stretch. But what do I know…

Yes, but what’s going to happen to Hopper?
If for you felt a little hard done by for not getting to the bottom of Hopper's backstory, his relationship with his daughter, how Eleven really fits into it all and what it all really means. Don't worry because apparently that's going to be covered next time around. David Harbour (who plays Chief Hopper) told VarietyVariety that he's spoken to the Duffer brothers about what would happen to his character in future seasons. 'We've also seen a lot of things, when Eleven goes down to his cellar and sees the boxes, we see a box that says Dad, a box that says New York, a box that says Vietnam', he said of season 2. 'These are little Easter Eggs for Jim, further layers of the onion that can be peeled back. 'More will be revealed on that front.'

Is Eight coming back? Who’ll be in the cast for Stanger Things 3?
Yeah, the introduction of Kali, aka Eight was a bit stressful, wasn't it? As it stands it looks like she's going to be making a return for the next season which will hopefully shed a bit more light on the whole scenario. You know, after being abandoned in Chicago with an unfinished storyline. The only real indication that she'll be back, though, is that Ross Duffer shares our sentiment and told the Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter*: *'It feels weird to me that we wouldn't solve [her] storyline. I would say chances are very high she comes back'. I'll say that's confirmation enough for the time being…
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.