I can remember everything about the day that I found out that I was pregnant – it’s one of those moments I’ll never forget. It was a warm, sunny Monday in April and I decided to take a pregnancy test because my period was late.
It came as a bit of a shock to be honest. Although Jordan and I had been trying to get pregnant for a year, we decided to try and take the pressure off ourselves a little bit as we headed into summer because we knew that we were going to be busy. And of course, that was the moment that it happened.

Although we’d been trying for a while and there had been that sense of disappointment every month, I tried not to worry. Once we’d decided that we were going to start a family together, I’d done some tests to check my hormone levels and had an internal scan and everything was good. I’ve always wanted to be a mother, but I had faith that I wouldn’t fall pregnant until it was the right time for Jordan and me.
After making sure that the Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator definitely said ‘Pregnant’, I rushed out and bought a Babygro and laid the pregnancy test out on the bed so that I could surprise Jordan with the news when he came home from work. He was shocked but just completely over the moon – we both cried a lot. He’s five years older than me and we’re both at the life stage where we just really want this.
Since then, my pregnancy has been our little secret and we’ve been in such a bubble. We didn’t tell my parents until we were at 12 weeks, plus I’ve taken a break from filming Made in Chelsea, so none of the cast knew that I was pregnant. I’ve only told Tiffany Watson because she’s been supporting me through my pregnancy and answering any questions that I have about what I’m experiencing. Now though we’re eager to announce our news and have it out in the open so that we can start getting excited with everyone about it.

Being brutally honest I’ve struggled to adapt to my changing body. Obviously I chose this, and I’ve wanted it for so long, but my weight and appearance hasn’t changed since I was a young girl. Although growing a human being is obviously a beautiful and amazing thing, it’s also been difficult and I don’t always feel like myself.
That being said, I feel very empowered as a pregnant woman. That feeling has completely taken me by surprise - I feel very blessed that my body can do this.
I want to emulate the relationship that I have with my mum with my own child – whether they’re a little boy or a little girl. I want them to feel like they can tell me anything and always know that there’s a place for them to stay, however old they are. I’d like to be a relaxed mum, but you can never plan for those things. I do know however that Jordan will be a great dad – I’ve seen him with his niece and he’s so wonderful with them. I couldn’t think of anyone better to be starting a family with.

It’s been a big year for me, but I think 2025 will be even bigger. Once the baby is born early next year, I’ve got a wedding to plan!
Copy as told to Daisy Hall