Female Celebrities React To Trump’s Victory In US Presidential Election

Katy Perry Hillary Clinton

by Rebecca Cope |
Published on

This morning the world woke up to the news that Donald Trump, the controversial Republican candidate in the US Presidential election, has won the election.

His opponent Hillary Clinton had Hollywood's vote, with many of her biggest champions being A-listers. As the votes came through in the night and more and more states declared for Trump, several expressed their regret and disbelief on social media - as well as hope that perhaps it wasn't all over yet...

Below we round-up the reactions of female celebrities on Twitter on Instagram.

Most expressed disbelief (and disgust) including Katy Perry, Amy Schumer and Lorde.

amy schemer donald trump hillary clinton


While Octavia Spencer and Khloe Kardashian tried to look on the bright side...

Several made jokes about moving to Canada, whose immigration website crashed due to the sheer numbers of people on it earlier in the evening.

Many compared the situation to Brexit, including comedian Sarah Silverman.

Earlier in the evevning, Lady Gaga, Jessica Chastain and Amy Schumer were trying to remain positive...

amy schemer donald trump hillary clinton


While Cher has decided to leave the planet...

Lily Allen even dedicated her song to Trump...

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