Cara Delevingne has opened up about her depression in a series of statements on Twitter.
The model and actress took to social media yesterday to ‘set the record straight’ after fans expressed surprise at the release of her latest shoot for Saint Laurent, which came after an essay in which Cara appeared to discuss her decision to take a step back from the industry.
After tweeting that ‘I never said I was quitting modelling,’ Cara explained that she ‘[does] not blame the fashion industry for anything.’
She added, ‘I suffer from depression and was a model during a particularly rough patch of self hatred.’
She continued:
Finally, she reaffirmed her decision to focus on her acting career.
It's not the first time that Cara has spoken out honestly about her mental health, having previously discussed experiencing depression as a school girl and struggling at the start of her modelling career.
On October 2015 we wrote...
Cara Delevingne isn’t afraid to speak candidly - but at yesterday’s Women In The World summit in London she gave one of her frankest and moving interviews about her struggles as a model, and ‘wanting the world to swallow her up’ in the height of her depression as a school girl.
She kicked off the chat with Rupert Everett by nervously unbuckling and removing her shoes, before stopping him to outline why she was here, so she could get what she needed to say off her chest.
What she wanted to talk about was her experience of depression and how yoga, writing and Kate Moss ‘picking her up off the floor’ helped her through her darkest hours.
Admitting she was ‘plagued by learning disabilities’ at school, she said she felt ‘completely suicidal and alone’ and recalls wanting ‘the world to swallow me up.’
She said that with therapy and anti-depressants she ’clawed her way back to some sort of rational thought.’ But during the height of her modelling career she admits ‘I had no concept of saying no to anyone, ever.’
‘In life you should always experience things but you should say no. It's more about being in control and not being a puppet.’
Cara needed someone to help her take back control and Kate Moss turned out to be the person to help: ‘I eventually said no and I eventually took a break. I took the advice of Kate Moss who picked me up off the floor passed out.’
The 23-year-old read a poem at the start of the interview, and said writing had also helped her through: ‘Writing is something that really saved my life. I would read what I had written and it would be like someone else was speaking to me. It was a very strange experience.’ And said ‘finding’ ‘was a huge thing for me.’
With close friend Kendall Jenner in the audience, Cara also noted how ‘It's about finding people who have your best interests at heart. Before, people were after what I gave them.’
While Rupert noted Cara’s privilege has allowed her to do great things and meet great people - ‘I had what everyone wanted,’ she admitted - she noted poignantly that ‘In our culture, we are told that if we are beautiful, if we are skinny, successful, famous, if we fit in, if everyone loves us – then we will be happy. But that’s not entirely true.’
Having found her way and able to reflect on her past, Cara said she’s learnt that ‘mental illness and depression are not something to be ashamed of,’ and told the audience ‘Flaws are the things that make us special, the cracks within us are the beautiful parts - they need to have light shed on them.’
‘Women are beautiful,’ she added. And on encouraging women to ‘dream bigger’ she said ‘there’s so much more than modelling.’
‘Go for president, astronaut, whatever.’
As Rupert bought the interview to a close, Cara wasn’t done as she interrupted the applause to give the audience a piece of takeaway advice: ‘Be comfortable in your shoes, because you're going to be in them for a while.’
She then chimed back in ‘Funny - I’m not wearing mine.’ No irony lost on Cara.
Here’s the poem Cara wrote about a year ago during a bout of depression:
Who am I, who am I trying to be? Not myself, anyone but myself.
Empty beyond the point of emptiness, full to the brim of fake confidence.
The show must go on, it will never stop. The show must not go on, but I know it will.
Cara Delevingne Style - Best Dresses & Outfits

Cara Delevingne style 2012 black and gold bow dress

Cara Delevingne style 2012 leather jacket grey jeans

Cara Delevingne style 2014 black and white dungarees

Cara Delevingne style bart simpson crop jumper

Cara Delevingne style beanie hat grey dress

Cara Delevingne style beanie hat leather jacket

Cara Delevingne style black and gold suit

Cara Delevingne style black and white suit

Cara Delevingne style black dress

Cara Delevingne style black dress boots victoria secret

Cara Delevingne style black dress boots

Cara Delevingne style black dress long coat

Cara Delevingne style black jumpsuit

Cara Delevingne style black leather jacket blue jeans boots

Cara Delevingne style black leather jacket skinny jeans boots

Cara Delevingne style black skinny jeans print jacket

Cara Delevingne style black skinny jeans

Cara Delevingne style black slit leg dress elle awards

Cara Delevingne style black trousers fedora hat

Cara Delevingne style blue mulberry suit

Cara Delevingne style burberry black dress

Cara Delevingne style burberry black lace dress 2012

Cara Delevingne style burberry black lace dress

Cara Delevingne style burberry black long dress

Cara Delevingne style burberry dress black spiked

Cara Delevingne style burberry gold dress

Cara Delevingne style burberry green shimmer dress

Cara Delevingne style burberry prorsum black lace dress

Cara Delevingne style burberry silver dress

Cara Delevingne style burberry suit red

Cara Delevingne style burberry white suit

Cara Delevingne style checkered shirt leather jacket

Cara Delevingne style denim grey jacket jeans

Cara Delevingne style floral print

Cara Delevingne style green coat white shirt

Cara Delevingne style grey jacket blue top

Cara Delevingne style halter neck black dress

Cara Delevingne style leather jacket black trousers

Cara Delevingne style leather jacket denim shorts blue

Cara Delevingne style leather jacket green trousers

Cara Delevingne style leather jacket ripped jeans black

Cara Delevingne style leather skinny jeans

Cara Delevingne style leather trousers 2011

Cara Delevingne style london fashion week black high boots

Cara Delevingne style london fashion week blue hat grey trousers

Cara Delevingne style london fashion week cute t shirt

Cara Delevingne style london fashion week purple white striped trousers

Cara Delevingne style matchless leather jacket le specs sunglasses

Cara Delevingne style met ball black cut out top white trousers

Cara Delevingne style mink pink paris fashion week fur

Cara Delevingne style mulberry black cut out dress

Cara Delevingne style oversized jumper

Cara Delevingne style paris fashion week 2014 print jacket and trousers

Cara Delevingne style paris fashion week denim jeans blue khaki jacket

Cara Delevingne style paris fashion week fur jacket

Cara Delevingne style pattern trousers leopard print hat

Cara Delevingne style pink roll neck cut out grey

Cara Delevingne style print dress

Cara Delevingne style print jacket black skinny jeans

Cara Delevingne style print skirt white button top 2014

Cara Delevingne style skinny jeans coat v festival

Cara Delevingne style skinny jeans leather jacket

Cara Delevingne style skinny jeans

Cara Delevingne style tartan trousers green london

Cara Delevingne style tassle jacket black trousers

Cara Delevingne style white chanel feather dress

Cara Delevingne style white fluffy shoulder dress

Cara Delevingne style white suit black boots burberry

























