Millie Mackintosh: ‘Habit Stacking Has Changed My Life’

Introducing ‘habit stacking’, is taking me closer to my future self one step at a time and I have seen a remarkable change in all areas of my life.

Millie Mackintosh habit stacking

by Millie Mackintosh |
Updated on

2024 is most definitely my self-development era. Focusing on being the best version of myself, both mentally and physically.

Towards the end of last year, I found a new love of ‘habit stacking’. Being a real wellness junkie, I’ll give anything a go especially if it’s going to add value to my overall wellbeing. Of course, these journeys are very personal and what may work for me, may not for others. However, introducing ‘habit stacking’, is taking me closer to my future self one step at a time and I have seen a remarkable change in all areas of my life.

Habit stacking is essentially piggy-backing onto the parts of your everyday routine, like brushing your teeth, making a coffee or commuting to work. I started by making small and easy additions to my routine for a few weeks and once I felt they were integrated (without me even thinking about them), I then started to slowly add a few more, alongside my continued practices of infrared saunas, cold plunges and breathwork, to name a few.

I started with a little post-it note on my bathroom mirror, so whilst I'm brushing my teeth I can repeat my positive affirmations in my head to make sure I start the day in a positive mindset. It can be as simple as, “I am loved” or “I am enough”. My day always finishes with a bath, it’s something I have done for years, so whilst the bath is running, instead of jumping on my phone for the dreaded scroll, I'll body brush. Keeping a body brush in the bathroom makes it easier, so I don’t forget. It’s all about putting tangible self nurturing habits in your way, so you’re less likely to ignore it!

By pairing your everyday tasks with new positive habits, you are setting yourself up to succeed. For me, these introductions are easier to maintain, as I’m not needing to carve out more time in the day to complete them. Let's be honest, although we all start off with good intentions, by jumping straight in and not slowly building up new consistent routine - unless you have an abundance of self discipline and probably not living in a busy household - you’re almost destined to fall off over a period of time, leading to feeling guilty, which essentially, is the opposite of what positive practices are meant to reinforce.

Where you choose to begin, it has to start small. Life is busy, we're all juggling work, social life, being a parent, a partner - you don’t want to be exhausted by your self care routine. Master the art of showing up first, so you can build on your habits. Two minutes of something is better than nothing and habit stacking can be applied to anything.

For me, achieving more with my time (without adding time) gives a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Surely the goal is to work smarter, not harder, right?!

Now that I’m in a rhythm, I’ve started to visualize the person I want to be at the end of this year and what her daily routine looks like, stacking things to benefit and align with my future self (yes this means you thinking of yourself in third person - as you don’t know that version yet!).

If any of this has ignited curiosity, then Atomic Habits, by James Clear (the king of habit stacking) is a must read. He breaks it down, focusing on getting 1% better every day by creating a chain of positive habits, seamlessly integrating them into your daily life.

I’ve also found an insightful podcast from Mel Robins 'Do this every morning, how to feel focused, energized and in control'. If a podcast feels a little too much for you, then you can find bitesize versions of Mel’s wisdom on her social accounts.

How you start your day is not an old adage that should be dismissed. It really is true (although your parents probably leveraged this so you’d make your own bed as a child!). Pinpointing a few things every morning sets my day up to succeed and has been a game-changer for me.

Finding what works for you doesn’t need to be complicated or have you spending hours of self contemplation in order to get going. Try reading with your legs up the wall or meditating with a face mask on. Just start small and simple, as you slowly build you’ll find that the previous will guide you to the next stage and before you know it, the combination of small habits will have long-term positive impact.

I’m not a fan of the whole “new year, new me”, I believe you can make changes at any point, you don’t need to wait for a new year or a new week, you can decide to start from today. Think about the person you want to be this time next year, how can you help her by habit stacking so you’re one step closer to your future self?

Let me know how it goes!

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