Ask A Personal Trainer: The Body Camp’s Cassius Gives You The Fitness 411

'How would you convince someone who is scared of exercise classes to come to one of yours?'

Cassius Powell

by Georgia Aspinall |
Updated on

Attending Dance Like Beyonce, you can't help but catch the infectious energy of class teacher Cassius Powell. It's something he prides himself on, creating such a fun atmosphere that you don't even realise your exercising. The only type of cardio we can get excited about, dancing with Cassius is about more than just working out, it's about learning to love exercise. Here, he answers all your burning fitness questions, from how to get out the door when you really can't be bothered, to the one piece of kit you need at home...

Morning workout or evening exercising?

I love having a large breakfast so definitely an evening workout.

How much exercise do you do each day?

I try not to do more than an hour. but if I'm teaching a dance class it can be a lot more. I make sure I put my feet up on Sundays though.

If someone only had 20 minutes a day to exercise what would you suggest they do?

You can actually make a huge impact on your health and fitness by working out for 20 mins a day. I'd recommend the bodyweight fundamentals, burpees, squats, press ups, lunges, tricep dips and mountain climbers. Try 30 seconds of each with 10 seconds rest in-between. Once you've completed one round rest for a minute and repeat! It's a killer but you'll see results very quickly and you can do them almost anywhere.

What makes your class unique to other gym classes?

My high energy dance classes are all about living your popstar fantasies. You'll be having so much fun you won't realise you're working out! Plus, dancing is great for cardio conditioning, toning, coordination and building confidence.

How do you drag yourself out of bed and to the gym when you really can't be bothered?

I'm one of those annoying people that loves to work out. It's been a part of my daily schedule since I was a teenager so it's very rare that I can't be bothered. On those days I pretend I'm a superhero and it's imperative that I keep the training regime up! Saying that I do believe in listening to your body when you feel extremely tired or under the weather. You could be doing more harm by not resting.

Is there one exercise you just can’t do?

I'm pretty tragic at performing a headstand in yoga. I've been practicing for years but inversions don't make me feel very zen.

With Instagram and YouTube tutorials changing the way we train, do you worry that misinformation around exercise will spread on social media?

To a certain extent. I'm actually more concerned that we're being sold body ideals by fitness and sports brands that put a lot of pressure on people to look a particular way. We're constantly bombarded with chiselled bodies that it becomes a subconscious pressure that can result in over exercising, anxiety and illness. I really commend brands when they use a variety of body shapes and ages.

Rather than worrying about the aesthetics we should focus on using our bodies in every way possible and taking care of it so we can keep active in our older years. Also, I do think that nothing beats having one on one tuition with an expert or taking part in a great class. It inspires and informs in a way that's difficult to replicate through observing a tutorial online. Plus, nothing beats the atmosphere of an amazing class.

Do you think women more women are training in traditionally ‘male’ ways, for example weight training rather than doing cardio?

Yeah I have seen an increase in woman taking part in weight training and boxing and I love it. Weight training in particular is so good for fat burning, building strength and preventing osteoporosis. There's nothing like a strong woman taking on the boys and beating them!

How would you convince someone who is scared of exercise classes to come to one of yours?

Dance can sometimes be a hard class to convince people to attend. For some reason there's an instinctual belief that everyone is going to be at a professional level and they won't be good enough, but that's really not what my classes are about. Whether you have two left feet or are basically a backing dancer for Beyoncé I create a fun and supportive atmosphere that allows each person to progress at their own level. It's all about partying and letting yourself feel free.

What’s the one surprising piece of kit you really rely on?

I love using TRX when I train my PT clients. There's something really satisfying about the form that makes clients really concentrate, plus it's great for activating the core in the majority of exercises.

What’s the one thing you should have at home to work out with if you really don’t have the time or money to go to the gym?

Yourself! A good bodyweight workout (as outlined above) can be just as effective as using gym equipment to improve and maintain fitness levels.

How can we turn our January fitness fad into a genuine habit?

I think it starts with setting realistic goals and exploring different forms of exercise and classes. The worst thing you can do is buy a gym membership and make yourself go religiously if you're not that fussed or don't know where to start. Look for advice from reputable personal trainers and fitness industry gurus where possible. But honestly the most important thing is have to fun and don't take training too seriously. I certainly don't.

How do you maintain your motivation when it’s dark, cold and miserable out?

Think of it this way, it's not always going to be dark, cold and miserable. Focus on enjoying the exercise and take in the things around you. Whether you're training in the sun or in the rain the elements bring their own pros and cons. Just remember you've got a body so get out there and use it

You call follow Cassius on Instagram @CassiusPowell, The Body Camp @thebodycampibiza and State of Formation dance work shops @StateofFormation

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