When thinking of affordable, efficacious skincare, there is usually one brand that immediately springs to mind. The Ordinary has enjoyed cult following over the years, and is known for its high-performing formulas and unbelievably low price points.
Since launching its haircare range in March of this year, which consisted of a shampoo, conditioner and scalp treatment serum, the brand has expanded the conversation around hair skinification. But now, all eyes are on one of its newest additions to the collection, a Multi-Peptide Lash and Brow Serum, which is currently all the rage on TikTok.
Having garnered almost four million views on the app, #OrdinaryLashSerum is doing one thing very differently to what we've seen before. At only £12.40, the incredible price point has made healthy, full and long lashes accessible to all. Those well-versed in lash serums will know that products in this category are priced highly due to the science-first approach and technology that goes into their make up.
With 11 active ingredients, including four peptide complexes (that being, the amino acid chains that form the proteins our lashes need for all-round good health) and a blend of natural extracts, this serum is light and non-greasy, and works to help nourish and protect your lashes, as well as your brows. The result? Thicker, fuller, and healthier-looking lashes in around four weeks. And, if the TikTok result videos are anything to go by, we are on board.
Currently, #lashserum has over 409 million views on TikTok, indicating that the appetite for products and knowledge in this area is hitting the mainstream. With that in mind, here are our top lash serum picks.
Buys To Try

The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Lash and Brow Serum

Augustinus Bader The Eyebrow & Lash Enhancing Serum

Revitalash Advanced Eyelash Conditioner