You Can Now Buy Victoria Beckham’s Favourite Shampoo And Conditioner On Amazon

Lather, rinse and repeat like the fashion designer herself...

Victoria Beckham

by grazia |
Updated on

So, it turns out that we can now shop Victoria Beckham's favourite shampoo and conditioner on Amazon. No, really. OK so there are many things about the former Posh Spice that we are oh so eager to emulate on top of snapping up her favourite shampoo and conditioner. That brown smokey eye for example. Blended to perfection and matched with long and lustrous lashes it's our autumnal eye look sorted. Next up we'd like a side of those seamlessly contoured cheekbones and a touch of that barely there nude lip too. In fact thanks to her eponymous makeup line, these beauty techniques now thankfully seem closer to hand than ever.

Victoria Beckham

And what about that hair? Boldly brunette since the Spice Girl's debut back in 1996 (ok there may have been a few blonde stints in between but who's counting?) Victoria's hairstyles have launched a thousand YouTube hair tutorials over the years, and the obsessions doesn't seem to be waning. We firmly predict a rush on Oribe stockists after VB revealed to Into The Glossthat her all-time favourite shampoo and conditioner is none other than Oribe Signature Shampoo, £31, and Oribe Signature Conditioner, £35. Her exact words were 'I like Oribe's shampoo and conditioner because they smell incredible', and anyone who has ever sampled the range will know she's right.

Victoria Beckham

The hair buys have been formulated to work for most hair types, and aren't too heavy to be used every day. If you are keen to up the luxe factor of your showers mid-lockdown 3.0 you could do worse than to take a punt on a shampoo and conditioner that have been personally approved recommended by a lady who surely has every bottle and brand at her disposal. They don't look too shabby on the side of your bath either.

Shop: Victoria Beckham's Favourite Shampoo And Conditioner

Oribe Signature Shampoo

Rrp: $49.00

Price: $16.15
Alternative retailers
Sephora$19.00View offer
Bluemercury, Inc.$19.00View offer
Walmart$37.50View offer$40.59View offer

Oribe Signature Conditioner

Rrp: $49.00

Price: $16.15
Alternative retailers
Sephora$19.00View offer
Bluemercury, Inc.$19.00View offer
Walmart$37.50View offer$40.59View offer

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