Not everyone can pull one off. And not everyone who’s sporting one magically morphes into a Burt Reynolds Cosmopolitan centrefold-adjacent version of themselves. We are, of course, talking about the 'tache.
The facial accessory, which, courtesy of mid-twenties males with a proclivity for natural wines and vinyl records, has well and truly been killed off. At least we thought so. But the triangle of heartthrobs, Jude Law, Paul Mescal and Jacob Elordi, has recently been spotted giving the ‘70s inspired upper-lip caterpillar a go, making us second-guess whether the linear facial hair is really over or if it’s time welcome it back into “kinda hot” checklist.

Let us investigate: Law is no stranger to the hairy business. But this time he’s gone, ahem, more bushy than ever before. Kudos to him: the bar does look immaculately groomed. And, drumroll, works in his favour.

25 years his junior, Euphoria-actor Jacob Elordi has also given the itchy upper lip a go and – drop the razor – it’s a yes from us. Perhaps it’s his fashion-forward approach to gym-run looks featuring Bottega Veneta’s new Andiamo bag or him being 6’5 but he pulls it off without looking all too… shabby.

As for Paul Mescal, he can do no wrong. We might be blinded by his recent red carpet appearances but the Normal People-star has got what it takes to sway even the last of undecided stache-o-phobes to being in the pro-beard camp.
Our verdict? A tentative yes. Admittedly, the previous examples are making an almost (!) waterproof case for this particular style of facial hair. But maybe – more like most definitely – the moustache is actually quite the look here as it’s given the time and effort to keep it in shape. Listen up, everyone: it’s back. The moustache is back! Just keep it neat and tidy. Please.