Interest in Princess Diana is inevitably at a high after Season 4 of The Crown aired last weekend. Princess Diana's fashion looks, make-up looks and hair looks will always be iconic, Crown or no Crown, and it's clear why. Each one is timeless. Diana's former make-up artist Mary Greenwell says of the Princess of Wales, 'She was so wonderful. Men were so attracted to her. She was so gorgeous, she was so sexy without meaning to be. She had this wonderful appeal and everyone loved her, I mean they really, genuinely did.'
Princess Diana was easily one of the most photographed women in the world and it stands to reason that she would likely put an incredible amount of thought into what she was wearing, how she was doing her make-up and how she was styling her hair ahead of every public appearance. Diana's personal hairstylist Richard Dalton even had to come up with a clever trick when it came to Princess Diana wanting a new look to avoid causing uproar in the press. He told Town & Country, 'Whatever I did to her hair became front page news... We had to be very careful. We had to do it one-fourth of an inch at a time over several weeks.' Cutting her hair so little each time made the move to her desired look gradual and avoided headlines nationwide.
Renowned hairstylist to the stars, Sam McKnight was also responsible for some key Princess Diana hair looks including the slicked back style she wore in New York in 1995. Sam told The Telegraph that Diana was a little nervous about such a drastic change. 'She was a bit nervous about the slicked back appearance,' he explained to The Telegraph. 'Like many women, she used to hide behind her hair. But she looked her best when she didn't do anything to it.'
Diana's decisions when it came to her hair were, of course, influenced by the fashions of the time, but every now and then there seemed to be more behind her looks than trends...
6 Times Princess Diana Sent A Subtle Message With Her Hair
Princess Diana Hairstyles

The First Look
In 1981 Princess Diana and Prince Charles announced their engagement. The country knew what it wanted from its princess - a beautiful, demure and charming young lady - and Lady Diana Spencer (as she was known at the time) ticked every box. Here her long soft fringe that halts just above her beautiful eyes makes her appear bashful and pretty all at once. What more could the nation want?

With Flowers In Her Hair
Pictured here in 1988 Princess Diana attended a dinner with the King of Thailand in Bangkok. The most dominant flowers looks to be the orchid, of which Thailand boasts the most of any country in Southeast Asia. Here Diana looks to be paying Thailand the respect due from a royal visitor.

The Undone Look
In 1993 on the 13th April Diana was famously pictured with Prince William and Prince Harry enjoying a day out at Thorpe Park. It was one of those everyday scenes that really ingratiated Diana to the public. It normalised her and the princes, it made her relatable. Here Diana's hair is not primped and preened, in fact it underwent a thorough dousing on one particular ride! Diana knew that this was not an occasion for a blow-dry and that a carefree and casual look was key all round.

The Fashion Forward Look
Hairdressing royalty Sam McKnight was responsible for this slicked back look in New York on 31st January 1995. Diana was to make a speech at the Council of Fashion Designers of America Ball and needless to say the look had to be on trend. This slicked back look turned heads and then some, even if, according to Sam McKnight, she was a little 'nervous' of the look to begin with.

The Interview
Who could forget Diana's 1995 interview with Martin Bashir on 20th November. Nearly 23 million people tuned in to watch it. Her hair pulls her fringe over towards her eyes once more. The volume is there but Diana's waves are soft and natural, almost harking back to the demure look she went for years back in her engagement pictures. This hairstyle portrays both Diana's dignity and vulnerability here.

A Show Of Strength
That same evening, on the night of the 20th November 1995, Diana, Princess Of Wales, attended a gala evening in aid of Cancer Research At Bridgewater House In London. Her hair was transformed into a glossy, perfectly styled creation that set off her LBD and sapphire choker to the max. This look made a statement. This look was Diana's show of power.