Bridgerton has seen a number of breakout stars find their way into the spotlight and the Grazia beauty team has an unrivalled favourite. Daphne Bridgerton's fringe. Prior to Bridgerton it was Normal People's Daisy Edgar-Jones who had been ruling supreme in the fringe stakes and now she has a rival (find out how to cut your fringe like Daisy Edgar-Jones' here). Daphne Bridgerton's fringe is something else. Cut to reflect Regency fashion it is short and parted, a look far from many modern styles and yet we can't help but love it. In the wake of another national lockdown and the closure of hairdressers nationwide, Daphne Bridgerton's fringe gives hope to those attempting fringe trims at home. Gone too short? Worry not because part it down the middle and voila! You've got a Daphne Bridgerton fringe.
Needless to say when the opportunity arose we couldn't resist talking Bridgerton with the famed fringe herself so behold, a rare insight into the world of Bridgerton, all from the lauded (and slightly imagined) perspective of the one, the only, Daphne's fringe:
The Life And Times Of Daphne Bridgerton's Fringe
'Welcome, dear reader, to the life and times of Daphne Bridgerton's fringe. It seems I have been drawing rather a lot of attention of late and for good reason. I'm on the deliciously cute side of short, I set off her beautifully groomed eyebrows perfectly, and I'm just quirky enough to be interesting as well as beautiful. Talk about a fringe with benefits, no wonder I find myself in the spotlight. Self-involved? Me? I've been with Daphne most of her life of course, but until now the most I had enjoyed was a cursory brush in the morning, an outing to Hyde Park during the day (if we're in London and not the Bridgerton's country set of course) and beyond that I remained untouched and un-preened whilst Daphne flitted between her sewing and piano playing at Grosvenor Square. Dull doesn't cover it. It was almost enough to drive me to grow myself out and disappear all together quite frankly. Then came Daphne's presentation to the Queen. My. Word. That, dear reader, is when everything changed, and I mean EVERYTHING.'
'As soon as that day dawned I knew something was different. I was dunked into a luxuriously warm bath as soon as Daphne woke, presumably so that I was afforded enough time to dry before the presentation. Next came the curls. CURLS! I had never, dear reader, been curled before. Imagine that! I was teased around a scary looking hot tong (pain is beauty ladies) and oh my did I spring back. I have never felt more beautiful. I sat daintily to the side of Daphne's forehead as she swept towards Queen Charlotte in all her finery and looked HRH dead on. Until Daphne insisted on curtseying and bowing her head (and me) to face the floor that is. Most inconvenient! Mere seconds later though, the Queen approached to whisper something frightfully nice (I'm sure) about me to Daphne, and I got up close and personal with the monarch's wig. Gosh that thing's dire. OTT, powdery and wildly distracting. I much prefer my own minimalist look, don't you agree?'

'The next few days flew by in a whirl. My right royal curl dropped decidedly when I was faced with spending an hour hairline to hairline with Lord Berbrook but then came the Duke of Hastings. Oh the Duke of Hastings! Daphne might not be quite so immediately taken with him but I lined up perfectly with his brooding eyes when they met and simply coudn't avert my gaze.
My right royal curl dropped decidedly when I was faced with spending an hour hairline to hairline with Lord Berbrook but then came the Duke of Hastings
Dreamy does not do those eyes justice. Little may have been exchanged in the way of words but take it from me, there was chemistry. No one senses chemistry quite like a fringe. Fringes feel immediately when a brow becomes hot and bothered, when its wearer becomes uncharacteristically fidgety and when their eyebrows alternate between furrowing and shooting up in heartfelt expression. Let me tell you, dear reader, when it came to Daphne Bridgerton and the Duke of Hastings there was chemistry and a lot of it. Take it from a fringe who knows. I just hope I don't grow out before I see their happily ever after. Come to think of it it must be time for a trim. Where on earth is a lady's maid when you need one?!'
The Rest Of The Best Hairstyles In Bridgerton And What They Say About Each Character
Best Hairstyles In Bridgerton

Daphne Bridgerton The Debutante
Daphne Bridgerton enters society as a debutante via her presentation to the Queen. The occoasion at the start of each season in London was an elaborate affair and important in setting the tone for each lady's season and prospects on the marriage mart. Daphne wears her hair curled in the latest fashions, leaves her neck exposed (this was thought the most elegant part of a woman's body at the time) and wears her family jewels to best represent the Bridgerton name. The message? Daphne Bridgerton is a viable contender to be named the season's diamond of the first water.

Eloise Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton is yet to make her debut in society. As such she is not soliciting callers and not yet looking for marriage. Her hair and her hemlines are both sound signals. Her hair is left to drop over her shoulders as was the fashion for children of the time, rather than being tied up to reveal a more adult and elegant stretch of neck.

Daphne Bridgerton At Home
Home life for a lady out in society called for modesty. Here Daphne eschews her fine hair accessories and jewels (which might be deemed vulgar outside of a ball) for a simple half-up-half-down do, which signals her adulthood whilst speaking to her purity - an essential trait in the marriage mart.

Lady Danbury
Lady Danbury hails from an era that followed the fashions of France to the letter. Women in England copied the towering powdered hairstyles that became so popular at the court of Versailles (think Marie Antoinette). That Lady Danbury's hairstyle is, in comparison to those fashions, unelaborate and modest, unpowdered and entirely elegant speaks to her character. We must assume, from her hairstyle, that this woman is unfussy, forthright an forward thinking.

Marina Thompson
Here Marina Thompson wears flowers in her hair, speaking to her love of the outdoors and appreciation of nature. Women of the time were required to be accomplished. Most learned to play an instrument, all took up needlework, many drew and a few studied botany. There was a focus on the outdoors and English countryside during the Regency period as the Napoleonic wars very much closed society off from travel. Society's gaze turned from exploring the continent to making the most of the great outdoors on their doorstep. In wearing flowers in her hair Marina appears at once fashionable and modest.

Anthony Bridgerton
Don't for one minute think that men put any less thought into their hairstyles during the Regency period than women. Men like Beau Brummell became celebrities of the time and set fashions as keenly as the A-listers of today. In wearing their sideburns bold and their hair on top long they sought to channel the power of the warriors of Ancient Greece. And who better to wear a power-heavy haircut than Lord Bridgerton?

Penelope Featherington
We'd hazard a guess that if Penelope Featherington had things her way her hair would be styled in the more fashionable, less-is-more way like Daphne. As it is she's under the rule of Lady Featherington and her hair appears more in the style of the elaborate French courtiers of the late eighteenth century. Penelope's hairstyle at the time would have been seen as outdated and a little OTT - more a reflection of her mother than Penelope we think.

Cressida Cowper
Cressida Cowper's high and elaborate hairstyles make her look severe and intimidating - if that's not a true reflection of her Briderton character we don't know what is! Ladies of the time would be helped to dress for balls by their lady's maid and it's clear Cressida's is required to devote a lot of time to her hair. Her accessories and elaborate style speak to both her wealth, and her determination to snag a husband before the season is out.

Benedict Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton's hair doesn't boast the bold sideburns of his brother Lord Bridgerton, but that subtle sweeping of the hair on top is reminiscent of the style of the Romantic poets that became popular towards the end of the Regency period. Benedict is an artist and his hair speaks to his creativity.

Colin Bridgerton
Colin is the second youngest Bridgerton boy and it is evident he feels free of the duties that both his older brothers Anthony and Benedict feel bound to. As such his hairstyle appears a longer, livelier and more playful.

Queen Charlotte
Regality. That is the message that emanates from Queen Charlotte's hair and rightly so. As an older woman the Queen would likely have adhered to the fashions of her youth, meaning the bold, high, powdered wigs of the late eighteenth century, before the days of the French revolution when the English studiously followed the fashions of France and the decadence of the court at Versailles was entirely a la mode.
READ MORE: Bridgerton Beauty: How Regency Women REALLY Did Their Hair And Make-Up
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