Claudia Winkleman's fringe is a wonder. I'm putting it out there. Thick, luscious, and most likely the end goal of many a fringe lover's hair appointment. And with the new-found legacy of The Traitors , it's something anyone (and everyone) is still talking about. Luckily, we've had the exclusive opportunity to speak to the star to find all you need to know to achieve her famous 'do at home.
Winkleman is quick to point out that her hair is her 'thing'. 'I have many concerns about my physical self because I can’t tell you how disgusting I look right now. If I was speaking to you on a video Zoom call your computer would have broken. Imagine Meatloaf after a particularly big Thanksgiving, that’s the situation. The only thing I’m not concerned about really is my hair.'

Claudia Winkleman on hair maintenance at home
'My hair is doing well, and it's mostly because of Head & Shoulders, and I’m not just saying that.' Winkleman is an ambassador for Head & Shoulders but don't let that fool you, her love of that haircare mainstay is real. She uses the Head & Shoulders Supreme Purify & Volume Shampoo, £5. 'I’ve always used it and I love it. It doesn’t make my hair flyaway (that's one of my least favourite words). I comb the conditioner through too. Don’t leave it in for too long though, we’re not lunatics. It doesn’t weigh my hair down, it gives it oomph. If I’m feeling really fancy I might brush it when it’s wet. Then I forget about it, it just sort of sorts itself out.
'I shower, and then I curl up in bed, normally with my small person - not my husband you understand, he’s normal sized - the little person. Then I have a nap. I wake up, and my hair’s dry.
'Under normal circumstances I’d have a trim once every two months maybe. I know I’m in trouble if I can actually eat my fringe, that’s when I know I need to go to a hairdresser.'
She adds, 'My haircare routine hasn't changed since I was two. I don't know what my mum used on me before then but basically I'm in love with Head & Shoulders. When they fire me I will still always use Head & Shoulders.' She is also known to love the Head & Shoulders Deep Cleanse Shampoo, £4.
'I love my hair being clean, clean. I want it to squeak at the ends when I've finished washing the shampoo out, I want my hair to sing!' Conditioning, too, is key for Claudia. 'I feel like things have suddenly got quite serious when I start to condition,' she says, 'I comb it through my hair with a wide tooth comb before rinsing it out.'
Watch: Claudia Winkleman Trim Her Fringe With The Help Of George Northwood
Claudia Winkleman on her top fringe tips
'The most important thing for me, when it comes to getting a fringe, is to not go for an apologetic one. I don't want anything whispy. I need a fringe that has weight to it, that begins all the way at the back. For someone with a fringe like mine I'd advise not cutting it too much. I love my hairdresser,' Claudia is loyal to hair guru George Northwood, 'he's the love of my life, I've proposed to George many times. Let your fringe get a little long and OTT.'
Claudia Winkleman on her biggest hair blunder to date
'When I was about 12 or 13 my friend and I decided that we really wanted beachy looking hair. I don't know what TV programme we were watching but something gave us the craving. We bought Sun In, used the spray as directed and decided it was all taking far too long so we ended up unscrewing the nozzle and pouring it all over our hair. I ended up with orange coloured straw-like hair. And I don't suit orange coloured straw-like hair. I had to wait a long time for it to grow out.'
The Origin Story
'Growing up I always had a fringe. I would often pair it with bunches, I mean, buckle up, how disgusting is that?! Years later I went, had a fringe cut, and it was quite – and this is the worst word in the whole world – whispy – so I had to go back and I said "Can I have an unapologetic fringe? Really heavy.'
I think my fringe starts at the back of my head, it’s got to have more weight than a tonne of bricks
'I think my fringe starts at the back of my head, it’s got more weight to it than a tonne of bricks. They gave it to me and I knew that was that. You have to make much less effort when you have a really heavy fringe. I love eyeliner, but you don’t even need makeup really. If you’ve got a very heavy fringe, you’re wearing some old, battered, buckled-up boots and you’re holding a book then you’re done. You look like a real life pirate.' And her fringe icons? 'I've always loved Chrissy Hynde, Steve Tyler, I love that sort of look. I like a helmet of hair. I like armour, and that's what a fringe is really.'
But interestingly enough, Winkleman hasn't always had her iconic fringe. In fact, she's even boasted a full-head of honey-toned highlights in the past - no fringe in sight.

It's fair to say Google searches around Claudia's hair have been soaring again now she's back on our screens every Saturday night for a new season of Strictly. Fancy trying the look our for yourself? Certified hairstylist Ian Turner has all the tips and tricks. Read on...
Expert Tips On Recreating Claudia Winkleman's Hairstyle
The style doesn’t suit everyone
'First things first, this kind of fringe doesn’t suit everybody. I wouldn’t recommend getting the cut if your face shape is elongated, as it tends to emphasise length - so it will make your face appear even longer,' Turner says. 'Claudia’s hair is straight which works well, but would advise against curly or very wavy hair types as it could potentially become hard to manage and unstructured. I would also advise caution if your hair is on the shorter side. The length of this fringe could clash with shorter haircuts and create an awkward look.'
Be prepared to wash regularly
'There are no downsides to this style as such, besides keeping your fringe clean', says Turner. 'It requires frequent shampooing, in most cases a daily or every two days (you can do this separately to the rest of your hair). Otherwise, it will lose its natural texture and movement, becoming stiff and less manageable as a result.'
In addition to this, Turner recommends regular trims (usually monthly or every six weeks maximum).This is because the fringe is specifically cut to just above the eyelashes, meaning the most minimal of growth will cause the style to look different.
Use the right terminology
'If you’ve decided to take the plunge on this style, you should show your hairdresser a photo as this is the easiest way for them to replicate it,' says Turner. 'Otherwise, the appropriate term when communicating with your stylist is "long bangs." You should also request a subtle, wide curve in the shape, like curvy brackets.'
Style like a pro
With a style like Winkleman's, it doesn't typically require frequent styling but regular cuts.
'Simply use a barrel brush to dry, then comb straight downwards and spread the hairs equally from the top. To keep the fringe in place and stop it getting messy, I'd recommend using a light-hold hairspray - but don’t overdo it. Hover and sparingly spray to lightly coat the surface of your hair. This will do the job nicely,' says Turner.
Claudia Winkleman On Skincare And Make-Up
'I barely take my make-up off really, so the list is short. I love Eve Lom products, I buy those from Space NK. I love their oil cleanser. I love Aesop too, everything smells delicious,' she says. 'I grew up in a house without mirrors because my mother was a staunch feminist. She tried to teach my brother and I that what we looked like was one of the least interesting things about us. I have no idea what I looked like when I was younger. I remember my mother having this Guerlain Terracotta Bronzer. I once found it, started putting some on and just didn't stop. I went downstairs for lunch and everyone balked. That's when I fell in love with orange.'
'Lipstick wise I love MAC Cosmetics Lipstick in Fleshpot. I'll never use anything else. If they discontinue it I will go to their factory, lie on the floor there and cry. Kohl is my thing too. There's a Lord & Berry eyeliner that I love, a Rimmel one and I love anything Charlotte Tilbury. She is just a goddess.'
SHOP: Claudia Winkleman's Favourite Fringe Products
Head & Shoulders keeps Claudia's hair in check, she says. So, that's how she keeps it so shiny...
Teamed with the shampoo, this is an elite combination.
Head & Shoulders has joined forces with the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) to launch #ApartButTogether. Through the partnership, Head & Shoulders and its ambassadors aim to remove the stigma around asking for help, by offering expert tips on what to do when you need it. To find out more click here.
Renee Washington, Grazia's Digital Fashion and Beauty Assistant, lives online. With a penchant for wispy lashes and streetwear, she writes about the worlds of fashion and beauty from the viewpoint of the modern fashion girlie.