How To Write A Good Tinder Bio That Won’t Give Anyone The Ick

We’ve got the intel from the experts about how to make your Tinder profile stand out


by Lydia Spencer-Elliott |
Updated on

To be successful on Tinder you need to know how to stop a swiper in their tracks.

Tinder bios can often be the all-important component to separate your profile from thousands of others. Yes, just like the eyes are the window to the soul, your 500-character summary has the potential to promote your personality and help you find your soul mate.

But, please, don’t go into a panic spiral just because the stakes are high. Writer’s block isn’t getting in the way of Cupid’s arrow any longer because we’ve gone straight to Tinder HQ to find out all the tips and tricks you need to write the perfect first introduction.

We're talking good Tinder bios for guys, girls and everyone in between.

So, here are the top tips and tricks to writing the ultimate bio, from Tinder’s Senior Director of Communications, Laura Wilkinson-Rea…

How to write a Tinder bio

Keep it fresh - If you’re looking for inspiration, make it topical and show you know what’s going on in the world, whether that be your take on politics or the latest viral trend.

Be honest - Whether you’re interested in finding an older match, a younger flame, or generally keeping an open mind when dating people that veer off your usual ‘type’, it’s important to stay open and honest when dating online and share what you’re looking for in a potential partner.

Let them know your interests - Share something personal to you. Are you always waiting in anticipation for the next episode of The Kardashians on Disney Plus? Does pineapple belong on pizza? Are you more likely to be seen at the nightclub than the gym? Giving a potential match a better understanding of who you are helps to break the ice following the first swipe.

Ask open-ended questions - Get to know your match instantly and spark the conversation by including a question in your bio. Whether you want to know if your match thinks there’s more doors than wheels in the world, their favourite episode of The Office or maybe you’d rather skip the small talk and find out their favourite first-date drink.

Music matters - It could be your favourite song of all time or the song you have on repeat at the moment, the in-app feature allows you another window of opportunity to meet someone to match your late-night drive aesthetic. There’s now even a dedicated section in Explore on Tinder which plays people’s Spotify anthems on their profiles.

How not to write a Tinder bio

Obviously, there are also some seriously big faux pas to avoid when writing your Tinder bio and, with the ick getting in the way of endless new matches in 2023, it’s important to know what not to do. So, here are the things to avoid to increase your chance of matches.

Don’t leave your bio blank - While you may be shy and unsure of what to jot down in your bio, think of it as your first impression and acknowledge how important it is to get something down. And, if you still feel nervous, just revert back to the tips the experts have given you above.

A long list of requirements – Yes, your bio should provide your potential matches with a glimpse of your true self and something interesting about yourself, but keep it about you. But no one wants to hear all the extremely niche things that tick your boxes. If they’re your type on paper it will be obvious pretty fast.

Showing off - Being overly car confident or bragging about the weights you lift in the gym isn’t going to score you more points in the love stakes. So, maybe consider keeping your ego in check when putting pen to paper.

Being too keen - We get it, you fancy your match, and you really want to take them on a date. But sending them three chasers and asking why they’re not replying isn’t the way to go about it. And remember there’s always video chat, so use it. No need to rush/push for an IRL straight away, play it cool.

What about Tinder Vibes?

Luckily for anyone against trying to reduce their likes, dislikes and interests into a short bio, there's always Tinder Vibes. The new feature allows hopeful daters to answer a series of questions on their profile that help indicate their 'vibe' and reveal a bit about their personality.

That way, you’ll be recommended to other people on Tinder who have similar answers, and if you match, you’ll have a great conversation starter. And, most importantly, you won't have to rely on a stand-out bio...

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