Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz Important call? Nope, it's your group chat. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz Still your group chat.
Group chats, who'd have them? They kill your battery, fill up your photo memory (so many memes) and turn your phone into a perma-flashing disco light in the office.
But then on the other hand - where would you be without them? Your average girl gang group chat means you have advice on speed-dial and a guaranteed LOL whenever you need distracting from your working day. It's almost impossible to remember life before them.
And the politics of their survival - from a simple birthday invite to a monstrously-long monologue of your friendship minus any sly exits - relies on a carefully-balanced mix of characters.
From the good listener, to the ghosts and the link-sharing happy - we bet there's one of all of these girls in your group chat:
1. The spammer
A multi-tasker, she somehow has time to keep the chat going 24/7 with screenshots, snapshots of her day and personal monologues. She drives you nuts at the wrong time, but when you're bored she's your saviour.

2. The meme hoarder
She doesn't speak in words, solely in her perfectly-cultivated collection of memes and has one for every ocassion.
3. The planner
Tune out for an afternoon and she'll have already booked the train, accommodation and itinerary for your next getaway, and your night out next weekend. Where would you be without her?!
4. The emoji-only girl
Her crying with laughter faces and aubergines speak for themselves.
5. The gossip
No detail goes untold from last night thanks to her eagle-eyes and fast-fingers. Great when you've missed a night out, not so much if got drunk and messy.
6. The ghost
You often forget she's still in the group. You'll hear from her when you least expect it and her one-liners are definitely worth the wait.
7. The crowd-sourcer
She probably works in media and mainly hits you up for recommendations. Great for discovering new stuff to do, but when someone asks her whether she can make it on Saturday night, she bites the dust.
8. The promo girl
She's usually plugging tickets to the latest event she's running, but you stay tuned because she could also be your ticket to an ace plus one.
9. The venter
Your group is her collective agony aunt, she mainly hits you up for advice on her latest love life/bridesmaid/work troubles.
10. The besties
Those two who descend into private chat and seem to talk in riddles of private jokes. You secretly wish they'd keep it to a private chat.
11. The cheerleader
She limits her comments to supportive shout-outs or clapping emojis. And when she's 'typing' after you, you know you've done good.