Two Great Ways To Overcome Nerves In Job Interviews


by Anna Brech |
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There's no doubt about it, a job interview can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences life has to offer.

"Good luck!" everyone heralds us, as we embark with sweaty palms upon the ultimate reckoning.

It makes little difference to reassure ourselves with platitudes such as, "no-one's going to die" or "if I don't get this job, it's not to be".

We'll still go in with hearts pounding in those first few minutes of forced-cheery awfulness.

The problem is, an interview is so plainly based upon judgement. The person (or panel) you meet don't know you, so they're making an assessment based on your every move and utterance.

So how to overcome the pressure cooker of nerves and hold it together?

She thought if she had to wait any longer, she might very well throw up... ©Getty

Canadian psychologist Dr. Linda Papadopoulos has a few canny tricks up her sleeve, that she's shared with Huffington Post:

Ignore your "inner bully":

"So many of us go in with doubt, especially in interview situations," says Dr. Papadopoulos.

"We think of all the things we can’t do, as well as all the reasons why we shouldn’t be there. Be very aware of this. Try not to listen to the ‘internal bully’ and challenge all those negative thoughts.

"You’ve got just as much right to be there as anyone else. You are there for a reason, you were selected for a reason, so be as positive as you can and enjoy it."

Listen to base-heavy music:

"I find music to be one of the best ways to release tension," says Dr. Papadopoulos. "There are several studies that attest to the fact that listening to the right kind of music can make you run faster, perform better at interviews and even do better in tests.

"The key is the right type of music - it needs a lot of base. Researchers believe it has something to do with our forefathers associating that kind of depth of voice with strength, so go and update your playlist now!"

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