A new campaign from US creative agency Mother New York gives mothers returning to work a way to display their maternity leave on their CVs, presenting the so-called ‘Pregnancy Pause’ as a full-time job.
Many women wishing to return to work after taking time off to have children fear that they might be negatively judged for the apparent ‘gaps’ in their working history. The Pregnancy Pause campaign provides them with the option to clock in the time spent raising young children as a position on their LinkedIn profiles: all they have to do is list The Pregnancy Pause as their company, and ‘Mom’ as their position.

‘New mothers in the US often feel forced to quit their jobs due to a lack of adequate maternity leave policies, which leaves them penalised for the subsequent gaps in their résumé,’ Corinna Falusi, Mother’s CCO, explained to Campaign US.
‘We wanted to give working mothers everywhere a simple tool for this problem, and make it easy for them to own maternity leave as the full-time job it truly is.’
If a recruiter views a LinkedIn profile where a woman has listed The Pregnancy Pause as an employer, they’ll be a click away from a page that lists some truly depressing statistics regarding maternity leave discrimination in the US.
‘If you found this helpful, share it with your mom, your mom’s mom, your friend’s mom, friends who are moms, friends who are about to become moms and everyone who loves moms,’ the Pregnancy Pause ‘toolkit’ recommends.
Would you add a ‘pregnancy pause’ to your CV? Let us know on Twitter @GraziaUK...
READ MORE: The Pregnancy Penalty: Maternity Discrimination Against Career Women
READ MORE: Returning To Work After Maternity Leave: Know Your Rights