You Won’t Earn The Same As Your Male Colleagues Until 2069

Let’s just blow our pension pot on Gucci loafers shall we?


by Danielle Fowler |
Published on

People often ask where you see yourself in five years. It’s the interview question we all dread. But what about in 53 years time? Maybe you haven’t thought that far ahead or perhaps you plan to retire abroad in true Marigold Hotel fashion.

But new research has shattered our dreams of becoming a lady of leisure. According to a new report into the gender pay gap, we’ll probably need to still be working in 53 years time. Best use that holiday time wisely.

The study conducted by Deloitte, has revealed that the gender pay gap will not close until 2069, that’s 99 years since the 1970 Equal Pay Act. We won't even be working by then...

According to findings analysed from data gathered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency, women earn less than men as soon as they graduate from university, even within fields that females dominate such as healthcare and teaching.

For example, more than three-quarters of graduates are female yet in teaching, a profession which women dominate, the gap in starting salaries is £1,000. Though the largest gap lies with health professionals, with a difference of £4,000 in pay. That's a 14 percent difference.

The findings further indicate that for every nine out of ten graduates, men start on higher salaries than women. What is perhaps most depressing however, is the fact that the pay gap continues to widen over time regardless of career choice.

The Fawcett Society campaign group told The Guardian that the findings indicate missed opportunities for women.

Jemima Olchawski, the Fawcett Society’s Head of Policy and Insight told the Guardian, ‘At the current rate of progress young women starting work today will have retired by the time we close the gender pay gap - none of us can afford to wait that long.’

But what is behind the new findings?

According to the report, the reasons for the pay gap include, ‘unconscious discrimination at work’ and taking time off to care for family, only to then take on lowly paid part-time roles when they return to work.

So despite a 9.7 percent difference being the lowest pay gap between men and women since the 1970 Equal Pay Act, it seems we still have a long way to go before we achieve equality in the workplace.

READ MORE: Women Who Makeup To Work Earn More Money

READ MORE: Women Will Work For Four Years Longer Than Men

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