Ever sent a text and instantly regretted it or woken up after a heavy night and texted... HIM!? We know, we know, we've all been there... But it turns out that there IS a way to delete a text message from somebody’s phone before they have read it. We repeat: there is actually a way to delete sent texts before the recipient has opened them! Praise be the tech gods of the mobile phone world.
If you’ve ever regretted sending a text - which we imagine is a scenario nearly everyone can identify with - then new app Privates! acts as your own personal (non-illegal) cleaner, getting you out of any potential tricky spots that an ill-judged text, or picture, may get you in... Phew.
Privates!, which is currently available on Apple iOS, allows users to recall a text message before the recipient opens the message. BUT, there is a catch, as reviews of the app reveal that the person you have texted also has to download the Privates app.
In tandem with immediate recall function, Privates! also allows users to customise 'self-destruct settings’ by selecting from three levels of security – Mild, Wild and Insane – which deletes the message (so long as it’s unread) after three, 12, 24 hours accordingly.

Speaking to Metro, Dr Isaac Datikashvili - the creator of the life-saving app explained, ‘I’m very honest about that but it’s better than anything else at maintaining privacy.
‘It’s not impossible but it’s virtually impossible for one person to screen grab or save anything if the security setting is high,’ here referring to the screenshot prevention mechanism which prevents recipients from forwarding, copying or saving your messages.
You can download Privates! for free here
What do reviews of the app say?
Eek, ok perhaps it's not the social life-saver we thought it might be. One reviewer said, 'The only way to do that is the person you’ve texted must also be using this invasive app. It was very ambiguous in the description and also on the site that came up when I searched for a way to unsend texts. It’s a 3rd party texting app and only texts sent through this app can be rescinded before they’re read and if they’ve be read I believe you have to get permission from the person you’ve sent to.' Another agreed, 'Don't waste your time'.
But there are positive reviews too. One user wrote, 'This app is amazing!!! Can't believe something like this finally exists! My friends can't take a screen shot of my messages, awesome!!! Privacy, security and fun! I love this app!!! Also, the recall feature is cool. No other apps out there have features like this one! This app is money!!!'