What On Earth Happens At End Of You Season Three?

It's (literally) an explosive ending.

you season three

by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

Obviously, huge spoilers ahead: don't say we didn't warn you.

Like many over the weekend, I devoured the third season of Netflixthriller You. Worryingly, I was quite happy to see Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley{ =nofollow}) back on screen, being the charming - yet incredibly creepy - serial killer who somehow never faces any real consequences for his actions. But in season three, Joe is not alone in committing crimes - as it turns out he married a woman who also enjoys killing people: baker Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti).

Over the series, we see Joe and Love's doomed marriage tested as Love kills the neighbour, Natalie, Joe starts to obsess over. (Murdered at the same time Natalie sells Love a building she's going to run a bakery in?!) The rest of the season sees the residents of Madre Linda try to find out just who murdered Natalie, as Joe and Love try their best to cover up the crime.

There's cheating galore. Predictably, Joe then starts to obsess over his boss at the library he works in, Marienne. And Love also cheats on Joe with Natalie's stepson, 19-year-old Theo. In one another twist, Love locks up a father who didn't vaccinate their child against measles, after Love and Joe's baby, Henry, becomes ill. (Gil then takes his own life.)

Set in a quiet suburban American town, we're also introduced to some insufferable characters, including mumfluencer Sherry Conrad, with her incredibly weird husband, Cary. After Sherry tells Love they're polyamorous, Love then thinks it's a good idea to open up her and Joe's marriage. It all goes tits up - literally - when they meet to have a foursome, but after Love shouts the safe word, she argues with Joe, and accidentally screams that she killed Natalie.

When Sherry and Cary overhear, to stop them spilling the beans, they're then dragged to the basement of Love's bakery and locked up in another glass cage. It also looks like Love kills Theo, when he stumbles across seeing Sherry and Cary in the basement and she throws him down the stairs. Joe also gets up to his old tricks, killing the ex of Marienne, who is trying to get full custody of their child.

It's all wild. But the ending of the show is, honestly, some of the best TV I've ever watched. Joe is wary of telling Love that he wants a divorce, because as we find out earlier in the series, Love killed her first husband when he suggested splitting. Love then paralyses Joe with some sort of drug she'd been growing in the garden, and she then texts Marienne to come over - so she can kill her in front of Joe. Luckily, Marienne - presumably because she arrives with her child - gets away harm free.

Joe also outsmarts Love, as he predicted that she'd drug him, and took adrenaline before as an antidote. As she tries to kill him, he leaps into action - and then drugs her. Knowing that Joe needs to escape, he leaves his child, Henry, with his colleague Dante and Dante's boyfriend - as he doesn't want Henry to be abandoned like he was a child.

This is when it really starts to get unbelievable. As Love is lying there drugged, Joe writes a post which frames Love for killing Joe, then taking her own life. He then chops off his toes, and puts them in a pie, so it really looks like she did kill him. He flees, not before setting the house on fire with Love inside, leading to an explosion. Over at the bakery, Sherry and Cary escape the cage as they find a key, and become TED Talk speakers. Everyone finds out the news about the murder-suicide, including Matthew - Natalie's partner - as he reads an article on the phone as he takes Theo out of the hospital. The town also opens a new cafe, which is - ridiculously - called Well Behaved Women.

Cut to Joe in Paris - now known as Nick - where he's followed Marienne... Who knows what's going to happen in season four, but it's not looking good for Marienne.

READ MORE: You Season 2: Everything You Need To Know About The Netflix Thriller

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