Stressed out sitting at your desk? Never fear, just check out these oddly calming, oddly satisfying and oddly arousing videos from around the internet. A self-imposed break to the toilet to alleviate some of the burgeoning sexual excitement is probably going to be necessary.
Never before has a production line caught our attention like this well-oiled cake making factory soundtracked by the uplifting tones of a 90's corporate promotional video. Watch in a fervoured state as that one armed robot spreads it's cheap icing in alarmingly concentric circles on the top of that springy Victoria Sponge.
HNNGH Rating: 7/10
Oh yeah, what's that? An eight hour video of a bubbling brook passing under an aesthetically pleasing bridge? Just get a load of those birds juxtaposed with the noise the rushing water makes as it jumps over the mini waterfall. Sorry did I say rushing? I meant gushing, like your nether regions.
HNNGH Rating: 7/10
Those rough potters' hands made slick from clay juice finding their way masterfully up and down the stem of the burgeoning pot.... Oof. Bonus points for the rustic setting too; has an air of the whole 'stable boy' thing about it.
HNNGH Rating: 8/10
Kseniya you saucy mistress you. Just thinking of the hours upon solitary hours you must have spent to become accomplished at this completely useless skill is enough to get anyone going. Just look at the way her hands masterfully dance through the particles to create artwork more accomplished than we could manage with a pen and paper.
HNNGH Rating: 8/10
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.