No matter how you spent your weekend, the small break from the real-world is never long enough. It doesn't matter if you've been productive, or if you've spent your Sunday hungover in bed, you almost alwasy reach 8pm and think 'shit tomorrow is Monday'.
Back to school or back to work; these TED Talks will help you keep going and combat that awful Sunday feeling.
1. How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed
You've got a presentation at work, you've got deadlines you have to meet it can all get really overwhelming. Think ahead and be prepared, Daniel Levitin helps us prepare and stay calm.
2. How too many rules at work keep you from getting things done
If you're panicking because you haven't met a deadline, or you have completed something that you feel isn't your best it may not be your fault. Yves Morieux talks about how the rules in your workplace no matter your job may stop you from achieving your best.
3. 5 ways to kill your dreams
You know those odd few people that love a Monday? Sometimes you feel demotivated and you stop loving what you're doing. Bel Pesce is a entrepreneur who breaks down 5 easy-to-believe myths that ensure your dream dreams and projects will never happen.
4. Why work doesn't happen at work
You know that feeling when you can't get anything done? You're constantly distracted in the office, nothing's happening and it all needs to be done by tonight. Jason Fried talks about how it may be the office environment that's stopping you from suceeding and offers suggestions to change that.
5. The power of time off
But honestly, if your work is getting mudane, but it was something you once loved you may need a break. Or you may feel like school or everything is getting a bit to much then never underestimate the power of a break. Luckily for most, Christmas is coming up so try and make the most of it! Do what you love, so it helps you to keep going. Even if what you love is binge-watching Netflix.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.