Sundance Starts Today – Here’s The Films Everyone’s Going To Be Banging On About

Kristin Stewart as a guard at Guantanamo Bay anyone?


by Debrief Staff |
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The One Which Zach Braff Was All Up In Your Kickstarter About: Wish I Was Here

Whatever your views on celebs using Kickstarter, props to Zach Braff for managing to eke $2.6 million out of the pockets of people sad that Scrubs ended in order to make this film. It follows Aidan, 'A pot-smoking actor whose last job, a dandruff commercial, was longer ago than he cares to admit,' who takes on the unenviable task of homeschooling his kids.


**The One About That Whole Sorry Penn State Affair: ***Happy Valley *

Happy Valley – the town that’s home to Penn State University – was left floored in 2011 when ‘Saint Joe’, (aka Jerry Sandusky) the football team’s assistant coach and university figurehead of more than 40 years was charged with 52 counts of sexual abuse. This film documents the fallout over the following year and features interviews with key players in the scandal.


**The One Lena Dunham Was In When She Wasn’t Doing Girls: ***Happy Christmas *

I mean where does she find the time? Lena Dunham stars in the film about the newly single girl who moves in with her brother and disapproving sister-in-law while she attempts to formulate a life plan.


**The One Kristin Stewart’s Been Wearing All That Camo For: ***Camp X-Ray *

Erm, this one sounds interesting. It’s about the time K-Stew became a prison guard at Guantanamo Bay who becomes pals with one of the prisoners. According to the description the two 'struggle to find their way through the ethical quagmire of Guantanamo.' Questionable incarceration thanks to the War on Terror’s a bitch eh?


**The Arty One Directed By The Bloke From The IT Crowd: ***The Double *

Jesse Eisenberg of The Social Network fame finds himself with a bit of a problem on his hands in this film when his exact doppelganger shows up and tries to take over his life. Directed by Richard Ayoade, also known as Maurice from The IT Crowd.


**The Lars Von Trier Award For The One That’s Going To ‘Shock’ Everyone: ***Wetlands *

Right; this is the description for Wetlands on the Sundance website, 'After an intimate shaving accident, Helen ends up stuck in the hospital, where she skateboards through the halls and reminisces about her culinary masturbation experiments, the seductive powers of her unwashed scent, and used-tampon swapping with her equally uninhibited best friend, Corinna.' Anything else you need to know? Nah.


**The One That Reminds Us Ben Whishaw Is Quite Possibly, Perfection: ***Lilting *

After the death of his boyfriend, Ben Whishaw’s character in Lilting is left looking after his partner’s Chinese-Cambodian mother and the two form an unlikely friendship.


**The Coolest Film Like, Ever: ***Only Lovers Left Alive *

Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston as the best-dressed vampires you’ve ever seen. None of this jeans-and-Converse Twilight rubbish. Get thee to Sundance. Sharpish.


**The One With Cassie From Skins In: ***God Help The Girl *

Written by Stuart Murdoch of Belle & Sebastian fame, this film is the latest part of the God Help The Girl project after 2009’s album of the same name. Set in Glasgow, this (musical!) film follows Eve, hospitalized for ‘emotional problems’ who starts writing songs to help her feel better.


Follow Jess on Twitter @jess_commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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