Like many of us, you may well have finished your Stranger Things binge over the course of a weekend. The Duffer Brothers' spooky, 80s-inspired science fiction Netflix show captivated all of us from the 15th of July, and we are all still chatting about it. While simultaneously shaking our laptops in the hope that more episodes magically appear, of course.

The show was fine-tuned to evoke the same skin-crawling fear as a Stephen King novel, while bringing out the nostalgia in the best of us. Every last detail was designed for ultimate effect, including its simple but emotive title sequence.

The typography itself, inspired by Stephen King book covers, is almost hypnotic to watch as it forms. The big fans over at Nelson Cash, keen to keep the *Stranger Things *hype alive (and it has well-outlived some other Netflix shows' excitement periods) have created a typography generator. Now you can make anything you want spooky af, providing it's two words long of course.

Sarah Gless over at Nelson Cash has also written a pretty incredible article about just why the typography is so great, if you're into that kind of thing.
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Follow Marianne on Twitter @marianne_eloise
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.