Why You Should Spend Your Cash Watching X+Y This Weekend

Take a break from the madness and settle down with this simple, heartfelt film


by Jess Commons |
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What’s this then? X+Y, the new British film starring Sally Hawkins and Rafe Spall.

What’s it about? Asa Butterfield (him from Hugo and feel-good romcom The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas) stars as Nathan, a vaguely autistic boy being raised by a single mum with a ridiculous talent for maths.

Ooh maths. Fun. Yeah, all right calm down. Maths is where Nathan finds solace. He can’t communicate with his mum and his friends are few and far between. Only his disabled teacher Humphreys (Rafe Spall) has any inkling of how best to interact with him.

In fact, it’s thanks to Humphreys (who is excellently grumpy at the world) that Nathan lands a place on the British team at the International Maths Olympics in Taiwan.

Over there, and way out his depth socially and academically, Nathan learns to interact with others and figure out what it is that he really wants.

OK, well that sounds rather nice. And it is. It really is. Plus, Sally Hawkins is just the best. She plays Nathan’s mum and does a stand-up job of portraying a woman at the end of her tether who wants nothing more than a hug from her son who doesn’t understand what that is.

So, what are other people saying about it? ‘Morgan Matthews demonstrates expertise as a director of actors, getting creditable performances across the board, including a slyly funny supporting turn by Eddie Marsan as squad leader for Team UK at the IMO,’ says Varietywhile The Hollywood Reporter calls it ‘especially moving’.

And what are we saying about it? It’s lovely. The film’s not glamourous or sexy, it’s a small story about a small group of people who are really very ordinary – a fact which only serves to make it feel more honest and real. It’s a nice antidote to all things Hollywood and Kardashian and a totally heartwarming and worthy way to spend an afternoon. Go see it, and take tissues.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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