Here Are Some Brilliant Sex And The City Memes To Lol At

From #WokeCharlotte to brutally honest Samantha

Here Are Some Brilliant Sex And The City Memes To Lol At

by Jazmin Kopotsha |
Published on

There are almost as many faults as there are merits toSex and the City. Faults mostly embodied by the overwhelmingly frustrating Carrie Bradshaw, merits personified by the ever brilliant Miranda Hobbs, for example.

As with many of the shows that were heralded as game changing back in the nineties, watching them in 2018 when, generally speaking, the world has moved leaps and bounds away from various problematic rhetorics around race, gender and class, can feel tricky. Nevertheless, the show holds a special place in our nostalgia-loving hearts, and in television history.

But the back and forth about whether or not a third Sex and the City film is entirely necessary (when one and two weren't exactly great) is a different matter. Would the dynamic of the Sex and the City we remember work so many years on? Do we really need to progress a story that perhaps should have been left in 2004? Well, since Kim Cattrall has categorically turned down any possibility of reviving her role, it's pretty unlikely that another installment is going to be hitting the cinema any time soon. But a very 2018 way of honouring a generation's experience of female friendship, sex and shoes (and duly taken the piss out of it) is through the backhanded honour of being turned into a meme.

Here are some of our favourites to laugh at, roll your eyes over, and have on hand to Instagram for those melodramatic, irrational Carrie moments we're all secretly prone to having.


The Debrief Sex And The City Memes

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Meet confused and profound Carrie.

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What's mine is mine, Smith Jared.

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Where's the unsubscribe button?

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An @everyoutfitonsatc #WokeCharlotte favourite.

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When you're happily living a very different lifestyle to the rest of your mates.

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(read: leave me TF alone)

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Giant cookies solve everything.

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Please don't make me.

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Entirely unnecessary but so brilliant.

Sex And The City Memes10 of 11

Classic narcissistic Carrie, really.

Sex And The City Memes11 of 11

*Never leaves the house again*

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**Follow Jazmin on Instagram **@JazKopotsha

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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