Rise and Fall: Meet The Contestants Of The New TV Show You’re Going To Love

If you enjoyed The Traitors, you’ll love Rise and Fall

Rise and Fall

by Daisy Hall |
Updated on

The Traitors was the TV show that had everyone - and we mean everyone – talking when it aired at the end of last year and whilst the UK version has been renewed for a second series, we’ve been looking for a new show to fill the Claudia Winkleman-sized hole – especially since the US version wasn’t nearly as good.

Enter: Rise and Fall.

Created by the same team that dreamt up The Traitors, this reality show follows 16 regular Brits as they are separated into two categories: Grafters or Rulers.

Grafters will find themselves confined to the basement and forced to survive in very basic conditions, while also working hard to complete a series of games and challenges in order to build up a prize pot.

Rulers on the other hand, will be living it up in an opulent penthouse, not having to actively participate in the challenges and – unlike the Grafters – are in with a chance of winning said prize.

But, and it’s a big but, those roles aren’t permanent. Every few days the contestants secretly vote for who they’d like to see promoted from Grafter to Ruler and who’s they’d like to see removed from power.

Oh and we forgot the best part… It’s hosted by Greg James!

Speaking about his role Greg – who you may know from his Radio 1 breakfast show or one of the presenters at Glastonbury - said, ‘I’ve been waiting a long time for a show like this to come along that I can get stuck into and be the ringleader of. It’s an amazingly mad idea and the contestants are going to make some incredible TV. It’s very exciting to launch something brand new on Channel 4 and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out. Let the power struggle begin.’

But enough about host Greg James - as wonderful as he is - no doubt you want to meet the contestants battling it out for power...


Meet the contestants of Rise and Fall

Ali1 of 16


Ali is a 45-year-old entrepreneur and restaurant owner from Essex. He thinks he'll win because he's a great leader, very organised and 'can make people do what [he] wants them to do'... That doesn't sound intimidating at all!

Cheryl2 of 16


Cheryl is a 40-year-old trainee nurse from Liverpool who 'doesn't like to see anyone struggling'.

Connor3 of 16


Connor is a 27-year-old care home manager from Kent who is hoping to embody is mum's leadership abilities on the show saying, 'She’s always whipped me into shape, she’s never taken any c**p from anybody. She shows strength and she’s also a diva like me.'

Edmund4 of 16


Edmund is a 27-year-old account manager from Devon. Apparently he comes from one of Britain's oldest aristocratic families but doesn't think that anyone will be able to notice...

Jack5 of 16


Jack is a 28-year-old builder from Hertfordshire who also plays football semi-professionally. Apparently, if he wins the show, he's going to take his mum on a luxury holiday. What a sweetheart!

James6 of 16


James is a 26-year-old employment coach from South Wales. According to him Beyonce is the best example of a great leader so he's currently got our vote!

Jeffrey7 of 16


Sixty-nine-year-old Jeffrey - who is a entrepreneur from London - is the oldest contestant in the competition. You may recognise him from his role as an expert on Channel 4's Four Rooms...

Joanna8 of 16


Joanna is a 50-year-old interior designer from Suffolk. Speaking about why she thinks she could win Rise and Fall, Joanna admits, 'I’m strong, physically and mentally. I like to rise to any occasion thrown at me. I love a challenge.'

Marina9 of 16


Marina - an 18-year-old receptionist from London - is the youngest contestant on the show and thinks her positive energy will enable her to win.

Matt10 of 16


Matt is a 32-year-old nurse from The Midlands who calls his mum his biggest role model, saying, 'If I could be half the nurse – because she was a nurse as well – and half the parent to my two daughters that she was to me then I’m happy, I’m successful. I’ve achieved in life.'

Prince11 of 16


Prince is a 39-year-old postal worker from Hertfordshire who has 20 years of martial arts training... Hopefully that will come in handy during one of the challenges!

Rachel12 of 16


Rachel is a 27-year-old influencer from London. She's also an identical twin which isn't exactly relevant but always a great fun fact at a party!

Ramona13 of 16


Ramona is a 34-year-old CEO raised in London thinks that her background in business and experience leading people will help her to victory.

Rishika14 of 16


Rishika is a 26-year-old communications officer from Birmingham who thinks that a great leader is 'someone who listens'.

Sophie15 of 16


Sophie is a 21-year-old politics student from Essex who is currently a member of Young Conservatives so naturally thinks that the greatest leader of all time was Margaret Thatcher.

Sydney16 of 16


Sydney is a 24-year-old delivery driver from Scotland who's currently studying for a law degree with a view to working in the human rights sector.

Who do you think the contestants need to watch out for this year - and who are you already rooting for from this line-up?

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