A Reboot Of The Matrix Is In The Works People, This Is Not A Drill

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A Reboot Of The Matrix Is In The Works People, This Is Not A Drill

by Jazmin Kopotsha |
Published on

There are very few films that would convince my mother to climb onto the back of our sofa and propel herself into the middle of our living room in a wobbly attempt at a flying kick. The Matrix did, though.

And don’t get me wrong, the film became iconic for a whole host of actually legitimate film related reasons, sure. However, it definitely earned points in my book for creating one of my fondest childhood memories. Minus the bit when mum broke her ankle, that wasn’t fun for anyone. But I digress…

The Matrix blew our tiny little minds. It was one of those films that sci-fi buffs and cinematic novices alike wouldn’t shut up about for a really long time. So much so that two (not entirely necessary, nowhere near as successful) sequels followed the 1999 masterpiece. And now, 18 years later, it looks like we might be getting another instalment.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros. Pictures are working on a Matrix relaunch, and people are obviously getting really excited about it. As for what another film in the franchise would involve, we’re not too sure. But the Wachowskis – the siblings who wrote and directed the original trilogy – aren’t actually involved in any of this new talk at the moment. Which could be a bit of a problem if you’re hoping that the original cast would be returning for the film too.

Last month Keanu Reeves (who plays Neo) told Yahoo Music that he’d only do another Matrix film if the Wachowskis were on board too. ‘They would have to write it and direct it. And then we’d see what the story is, but yeah, I dunno, that’d be weird, but why not?’

Why not indeed, Keanu. Although admittedly, I’m always a bit nervous whenever talks of a new version of an old favourite film crop up, because why would you want to tamper with something that’s already set in history as really great? And when I say great I’m talking about the first film. I’m sorry but by the time we’ gotten around to The Matrix Revolutions we were all a bit tired/confused/petrified that the Matrix is actually a real thing. But I imagine we're all pretty curious about where the story would go - there are so many questions and theories that we want answers to.

In case you're one of the few people who missed the whole Matrix hype though, it was such a big deal because it really pushed the boundaries of special effects in film (slow mo bullets that visually reverberate through the air, supernatural ninja style flying kicks that are definitely not safe to try at home and loads of other cool sci-fi-y stuff). And needleless to say, the whole concept of living in a virtual reality that none of us are aware of a really got to people.

No news just yet on when this new instalment is going to materialise, but if we're only at development stage with no confirmed actors on the scene, we'll probably be waiting a while. Which we can use as an excuse to line up a rainy weekend to hole yourself up with a duvet and a really big bag of popcorn to reintroduce yourself to Neo, Trinity and Morpheus in all of The Matrix's mind-bending brilliance.

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Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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