Britain is well and truly gripped by Bake Off mania. And let’s face it - there are far worse things to be gripped by.
If you, like the rest of the nation, find yourself sneering at the collapsing gingerbread structures (usually while stuffing biscuits in your mouth and muttering ‘idiots’ despite having cooked a sponge cake all of three times) and frantically texting relatives you haven’t seen for years who have the audacity to criticise your fave on social media, fear not. There’s now a way to harness your Bake Off obsession, with the new online game Fantasy Bake Off. Think Fantasy Football but, y’know, with a bread week. Here's what you need to know.

How do I play Fantasy Bake Off?
Once you've signed up and picked your region (don't worry, the profile photo is optional), you try to predict the outcome of each episode, winning points if you're right.
**What do I win points for? **
You can win points every week, provided you submit your nominations before Bake Off starts (that's 8pm on Wednesday usually, for those of you who live under several layers of rock). Each week you try to predict who will be Star Baker (winning the presigious star badge to put on their apron. An honour.), who will be eliminated, and who will come first in the technical challenge. That's the one where they make something fancy normal people would just buy from the shop.

If you're right, you get three points for predicting Star Baker, and two points a-piece for your elimination and technical nominations.
If the person you nominated to be Star Baker ends up being eliminated, a) you're not very good at this game and b) you'll be deducted one point from your total. This also applies if your nominee to be eliminated ends up Star Baker.
**What is this 'Bingo Bonus' thing? **
Apart from 'genius' you mean? Each week you'll also be given a 'bonus' scenario, and you have to predict the first (or only) contestant to be involved. If you're right, you'll get an extra bonus point. The scenario might not happen at all, in which case no one will get any points. Although if it's an oven-watching based scenario, it's a fairly safe bet...
**Can I play against my mum? **
You''ll automatically be entered into an overall and a regional league, but you can also play in private leagues of up to 20 people. So yes, you can thrash- I mean play against your family. To join a private league you'll need the ID number, or you can set one up for the first time and become your league's chairperson. It's all very official, you know.
**Will I get points if I predict the overall winner? **
Er, not if you've only just registered, no. Unfortunately you had to pick your overall winner and finalists before the start of episode two. Sorry about that. The only positive of this is being able loudly tell everyone 'I KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO WIN' after the final and no one being able to contradict you.

Are there any other rules I should know about?
Remember to update your predictions every week, even if you think the same as last week, because they won't be carried over. You won't get any points if you forget, so no excuses.
If a contestant leaves because they're ill or because of personal circumstances, you won't lose any points. BUT if they leave voluntarily (WHY?!) it counts as though they've been eliminated, so you'll potentially lose points.
You can see what other people have predicted, but only after that week's episode has started, so no cheating.

Is this the best thing to happen to the World ever? Probably.
Bake Off joy combined with a pinch of smugness everytime you get something right? Yes please.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.