All The Best Things To Be Added To Netflix In July

Another month, another round of weekend-occupying TV shows and movies to get stuck into

All The Best Things To Be Added To Netflix In July

by Jazmin Kopotsha |
Published on

It seems that we’ve officially had the best of the summer weather for 2017, so we have no qualms about staying in, drawing the curtains and burying ourselves in a grossly satisfying pit of cold pizza, the dregs from an old bottle of wine and unwashed duvet covers. Here’s what to watch while doing just that this month.

1. The Breakfast Club

Praise be to the Netflix gods, the pinnacle of all high school dramas has finally arrived and we’re already moaning about detention never being anywhere near as fun when we were at school. You’re welcome to unashamedly crush over Judd Nelson. Be our guests.

6 July 2017

2. Before I Fall

Okay if you’ve got nothing but the trailer to go on, Before I Fall seems a bit like a 50 First Dates meets Mean Girls kind of movie. It’s about this girl who, after being a bit of a dick at a party is involved in a car crash and then gets stuck in a weird time loop of sorts and has to relive the same day over and over again. Also available in book form.

7 July 2017

3. The Incredible Jessica James

You guys. I’m really super excited about this one. It’s a film about a girl called Jessica James (shock) who is a waitress come aspiring playwright in New York (classic) who becomes friends with a guy who is also going through a break up and it looks legitimately lolz and Jessica Williams who plays Jessica James (and co-hosts the 2 Dope Queens podcast) is fan-bloody-tastic.

28 July 2017

4. Sherlock

Anyone else stressed by the fact that the next season of Sherlock has neither been confirmed or denied? What’s going to happen to John? So is Moriarty actually back then? Spoiler: Does Sherlock have any other secret siblings? I suppose while we wait for answers to our endless list of questions we may as well re-watch season 3.

1 July 2017

5. Ricki And The Flash

If, for some bizzare reason, you ever needed reminding of how frighteningly brilliant Meryl Streep, aka queen of all that is good in Hollywood is, watch this. It’s not the best film in the wold but dear old Meryl never fails to entertain. Also, she plays a rocker mom and sings a lot.

28 July 2017


What’s life without a musical? RENT is one of my faves and I can guarantee that 1: you’ll relate because it’s all about a group of mates in New York who can’t afford their rent (#preach) and 2: the opening song ‘Seasons Of Love’ will be stuck in your head for days after watching it.

*19 July 2017 *

7. Agent Cody Banks

Shout out to the young Frankie Muniz and Hillary Duff at the peak of their childhood stardom. ICYMI, Agent Cody Banks was another film in a string of very similar films about a kid spy (see Spy Kids, Stormbreaker etc…). I recommend lolling and eye rolling on a Sunday morning hangover.

1 July 2017

8. Friends From College

Even though the trailer for this gives the impression of one of those cheesy ensemble movies that come out every year or so when loads of seemingly unconnected characters are all secretly sleeping together, it’s not that. It’s actually a series. Six pals from Harvard reconnect when two of them get married and it’s all fun and games until they realise affairs have been had and no one has really grown up in the 20 years since they left uni. Lol.

*14 July 2017 *

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Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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