Netflix: The Best New FIlms And TV Show To Be Added In March

From House of Cards to India's Daughter, here's what you're going to be watching this month.

Netflix: The Best New FIlms And TV Show To Be Added In March

by Jess Commons |
Published on

House Of Cards Season 4

NO SPOILERS but, Francis is back in the White House and he's like, back to his old ways. How much further can he go? Oh, probably a long old way. Perhaps this will be the season that we finally figure out how Robin Wright manages to wear white suits all the time always and never get a stain on them. Or, how Frank manages to talk to the camera without anyone else noticing. Either way, it's sure to be excellent.

From 4th March

India's Daughter

This moving documentary, banned in India, documents the short by moving life of Jyoti Singh, the 23-year-old who was gang raped and murdered on a bus in Delhi in an incident that shook the world to it's core and sparked the latest wave of feminism in the country. Directed by Leslee Udwin (interviewed here for The Debrief) this film is as important a watch as it is harrowing.

From 4th March

Deep Web

If Silk Road sounds like an ancient trade route to you and Pirate Bay sounds more like a family friendly holiday resort then you need to educate yourself on the other side of the internet, and fast. This documentary covers the arrest and trial of Ross Ulbricht who created the online black market Silk Road which was used to sell everything from drugs to stolen credit cards to child porn to weapons.

From 31st March

Jane The Virgin

We already wrote you an introduction to America's favourite Latina comedy show when it first started airing on E4. Now, it's finally ripe for binge watching on Netflix. Filmed in the style of a telenovella (Latin American soap opera) the story is about Jane, a virgin, who accidentally gets artificially inseminated and becomes pregnant. If it sounds bonkers, that's because it is. But it's fun. And Gina Rodriguez, who plays Jane, is super cute.

From 22nd March


Hooray for Pixar and their Bechdel passing kids films. Brave was definitely one of their finer female-led outings (although it can't quite pip Inside Out to the post) and features Kelly MacDonald as Merida, a Scottish princess who is definitely not going to submit to an arranged marriage no matter how much she's 'supposed' to for the good of the kingdom. Also, her mother's been turned into a bear. So she's got that to deal with too. Jeez.

From 26th March

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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