Those of you well into season 2 of Narcos know that the badass Judy Moncada is perhaps one of the most formidable female characters seen on telly.
Judy Moncada, Kiko Moncada and Pablo Escobar
After her husband Kiko (Kiko was so punching with Judy) was murdered by Pablo in his pretend jail at the end of season 1, Judy steps up, straps on her designer sunglasses and heads up Los Pepes - the vigilante group out to take Pablo Escobar down.
Was Judy Moncada a real person?
IRL, Judy didn't exist. Los Pepes though were very much a real thing.

The group got it's name from *Perseguidos por Pablo Escobar *or, 'persons perscuted by Pablo Escobar'. They came to fruition in the early 90s and lasted until Pablo's death in 1993.
The group was founded by the real life Don Berna (Judy's bodyguard, played by Mauricio Cújar in the show) and Fidel Castaño, a drug lord and paramilitary along with his brother Carlos who is played in the show by Mauricio Mejía.

Supposedly, the group were funded by the Cali Cartel who were headed up by Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela (Damián Alcázar in the show) his brother Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela, José Santacruz-Londoño and Hélmer Herrera (Pacho) the openly gay, super suave chap played by Alberto Ammann).
Also - remember Search Bloc? Sergeant Carillo's formidable super group of highly trained Colombian soldiers? There's rumours that they had connections with them and, like the show says, even the CIA.
Either way, props to Narcos for including Judy as a wicked female character even though history didn't demand it.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.