The Most Dramatic Transformations From ‘Tidying Up With Marie Kondo’

Remember that time a whole garage appeared as if from nowhere?

Marie Kondo before and after

by Phoebe Parke |
Updated on

It’s official – we’ve all got Marie Kondo fever. It’s been just days since her Netflix show ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’ aired worldwide, and people have been hauling all their clothes out onto beds, throwing away items that don’t spark joy, and rolling up those pieces that made the cut neatly into drawers.

If you haven’t got around to watching it yet, here’s the basic premise. Marie Kondo goes round to the houses of people who have asked for her help, and takes them through her tidying up process; clearing out possessions not by room, but by category; clothing, books, paper, komono (miscellaneous items) and sentimental items.

The series features a diverse range of clients; from students wanting to impress their parents with the tidiness of their first home, to empty nesters wanting to declutter a house that’s been in the family for generations.

Kondo herself is an absolute delight – guiding her clients through some tough decisions as they face the mountains of stuff they’ve accumulated over the years. One particularly moving episode sees Kondo helping a widow who goes through the process of sorting through her dead husband’s belongings in the home they once shared.

The reactions to the show have been equal parts hilarious and inspiring, with people overhauling their homes, category by category, and others just making memes instead.

Kondo and her team seem surprised by the response to the show, posting on Instagram; ‘We are overwhelmed by your uplifting posts and comments celebrating @mariekondo’s new @netflix show, “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.” We love seeing how the show has inspired you to tidy and spark joy – keep it coming!’

But Marie is no new kid on the block, organisation veterans will know that she became successful after publishing her best-selling book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing’in 2011, which has been published in 30 countries.

Some of Kondo’s clients featured on the Netflix show made some serious transformations in their homes, here are the five most dramatic changes of the series.


Marie Kondo Transformations - Grazia

Marie Kondo1 of 10

BEFORE: The Empty Nesters: Garage

Marie Kondo2 of 10

AFTER: The Empty Nesters: Garage

Marie Kondo3 of 10

BEFORE: Sparking Joy After A Loss: Craft Room

Marie Kondo4 of 10

AFTER: Sparking Joy After A Loss: Craft Room

Marie Kondo5 of 10

BEFORE: Breaking Free From A Mountain Of Stuff: Guest Room

Marie Kondo6 of 10

AFTER: Breaking Free From A Mountain Of Stuff: Guest Room

Marie Kondo7 of 10

BEFORE: Making Room For Baby: Shoe Room

Marie Kondo8 of 10

AFTER: Making Room For Baby: Shoe Room

Marie Kondo9 of 10

BEFORE: When Two (Messes) Become One: Office

Marie Kondo10 of 10

AFTER: When Two (Messes) Become One: Office

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