Maisie Williams Chats Growing Up, Voting, And Of Course Game Of Thrones

Oh, and her new film The Falling. Obviously.


by Jess Commons |
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If you can’t wait until Monday to get your Arya Stark fix then take some time out this weekend and head to see Carol Morley’s new film starring Maisie Williams, The Falling.

The film focuses on Lydia, a teenage girl in 1969 who becomes the centre of a school-wide fainting epidemic. It’s a dark and twisted look at what it means to grow up and lose your innocence and while at times it’s not an easy watch, it’s really very good.

We spoke to Maisie Williams ahead of the film’s release about growing up, voting and how she wants to die in Game Of Thrones.

‘I don’t even think I get teenage girls and I am one.’ She said when we caught up with her last week. ‘It’s just a crazy time in your life. I think it’s communication this that is the biggest thing these days – like everyone’s got a mobile phone in their hand and that makes us think we’re better connected, but in actual fact you’re not. The world’s changing so quickly and I feel like instead of being like, “Oh the world’s changing so much I can’t keep up with it,” adults and parents should… they should try and understand what’s going on.’

Maisie’s just turned 18, just in time for the election. So, has she decided who she’s going to vote for? ‘No I don’t I know. I’m still very undecided. I’ve done so much reading around so much research and it’s a crazy year to be turning 18. I’ve got older siblings that have voted before. I’m very nervous but I’ve got a few ideas!’

Finally, if Arya was to die in Game Of Thrones how would Maisie want her to go? ‘It would have to take up the whole episode. She’d be eaten by a dragon then pulled back up again then it would like fry her and bit more then they’d all play with her and she’d get thrown around the air and it would be pretty horrific but very entertaining.’

The Falling is out in cinemas Friday 24th April

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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