What Happens Behind The Scenes On My Mad Fat Diary

The Debrief's photo diary of a day spent behind the scenes with the wonderful My Mad Fat Diary cast and crew

My Mad Fat Photo Diary

by Natalia Bagniewska |
Published on

A few months ago I got invited down to the set of my absolute all-time favourite TV show; My Mad Fat Diary. I was to be an extra on the set while they filmed the third and final series (OMFG). So off I went.

In case you're not familiar, the show follows Rae Earl, a teenager growing up in the mid-’90s dealing with body issues, mental health and erm, a real hankering to get laid. Everything about the show; the style, the characters and the themes, resonate MASSIVELY with anyone who grew up in the ’90s so naturally, we couldn't wait to get ourselves over there and find out what it's really like being part of such an important piece of TV drama.

The third and final (sob) series is airing this month on E4 and I managed to get a few juicy tidbits about what we can expect when I met the cast. Jodie (Chloe to you and me) hinted at a something getting in the way of her studies and there's a new kid on the block, that of Katie Springer played by Faye Marsay who better just stay away from Finn and Rae (cos they are the Ross and Rachel of this decade right?)


Mad Fat Diary

The Dressing Room1 of 12

The Dressing Room

The day began with a hair and makeup session. The mood boards all over the walls got me very excited...

Hair And Makeup2 of 12

Hair And Makeup

Only the finest late 90s and 00s icons featured on the mood boards. Like Billie Piper and Natalie Imbruglia. Obvs. Who else spent hours in front of a mirror trying to perfect the zig zag parting? Just me? OK cool. (Please also note the incredible scrunchy selection).

Buffalo Shoes!3 of 12

Buffalo Shoes!

Combats? Check. Buffalo trainers? CHECK! I wasn't allowed a pair of these as a kid, I think my mum classed them as heels (weird). Pretty sure I squealed with delight when I was dressed in these in the dressing room!

My Wardrobe4 of 12

My Wardrobe

Ooop! Changing room selfie! A really stylish handkerchief vest top to finish the look off. The lovely stylist on set said she spends many a day trawling charity and vintage shops to try and find clothes for the show. Her hard work obviously pays off, the show is so visually accurate to the era it's set in. She has managed to find stuff like...

The Best Costume5 of 12

The Best Costume

... This bad boy. The dressing room was an insane trip down nostalgia lane for me. Pretty sure I had or wanted or desired this very jacket. Most of the costumes are rented though, to the dismay of the actors as they'll never get to keep their favourite looks.

What The Gang Wore6 of 12

What The Gang Wore

I could have spent hours in here. I loved how each character had a very specific look which totally supported their characters on the show.

Chloe's Makeup7 of 12

Chloe's Makeup

And to the set! We were filming in an old school pub outside of London. Jodie Comer (aka Chloe) getting her make up done here.

Throwback Deco8 of 12

Throwback Deco

Genius set design and social media shout out; the team asked fans via Twitter to create leaflets and posters for bands in the late nineties. I told the cast I was gutted to have missed the shout out! I would give anything to see my art on these walls.

Firm Friends9 of 12

Firm Friends

There's a lot of down time on set, no wonder they've become firm friends. All the actors, including Nico Mirallegro, admit that they've been really lucky to have got on so well.

Being An Extra10 of 12

Being An Extra

So many extras! I finally got to meet all the people in the background who make a scene come to life. It's not an easy job, some had to smoke fake herbal cigarettes they admitted make you feel a wee bit sick after the hundredth one, you can't actually speak out loud so you mime act (so much harder than it sounds, especially if you get a major giggle attack half way through filming - really awkward) and the inevitable waiting around.

Fangirling11 of 12


I wish I could have spoken to the wise-for-her-years Sharon Rooney (aka Rae) all evening long, but the lady is a busy one alas. Although she loved the whole experience she mentioned the first series as always holding a special place in her heart. It will be hard for her to end the series, seeing as Sharon and Rae have both grown up on set over the past 2 years.

The Last Scene12 of 12

The Last Scene

One of the final scenes filmed of the whole series. I'd give an arm and a leg to sit down at that table with these guys and talk till the early hours of the morning... don't think they'd be that into the idea though. Some of the most friendly TV stars I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

My Mad Fat Diary is on E4 22nd June at 10PM

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Follow Natalia on Instagram @Natal22

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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