Remember back in 2015 when we heard the news Life Size was getting a remake? Christmas 2016 was burned into our brains as the day Tyra would be back on our screens as an IRL Barbie. WELL, it’s now ACTUALLY happening. Officially. For reals. 17 years after it hit our TV screens and became the ultimate Sunday afternoon film to watch, Freeform has confirmed that Life-Size 2 is legit, and Tyra is coming back as Barbie, Eve. We’re still waiting on conformation if Lindsay Lohan will be making a comeback as Casey. If you’re listening Lindsay, we think this would be a great career move for you.
We still have to wait till December 2018, but while we wait, let’s cast our minds back to its glory days. It’s best moments. It’s defining scenes and the life lessons it taught us.
Life-Size taught us from a young age that no matter where you live, where you are…be a star. I live in London, I am at work, and I am a STAR.
2.The fashHUN
Eve, babes, we wanted to be just like you rocking a (now very on trend) pink dress and tira. Eve knew it was fun to dress up, and she also knew how to compliment herself – something we should all be doing on a daily basis too.
3. Just tryina be perfect
Tyra understood so well hard hard it is trying to be perfect for everyone all the darn time. But she also taught us that we’re perfect just the way we are. We thank you, Tyra.
4.Animal welfare

Eve felt very strongly about animal ethics. She drilled it into us that we should love animals, and not wear them.
5. We don't need no iPhones
And finally – the overarching message we should have listened to ALL along. Life-Size taught us that we don’t need high-tech stuff. All the kids in the film are bored of dolls, more interested in whatever new gadget had been released. But Lindsay’s character got herself a Barbie – and you know what that ending up symbolising. Friendship. Now let’s all go buy a Barbie doll, perform a magic spell on it, and get a new best friend and all go enjoy bread rolls together like Eve, shall we?
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.