Kim Cattrall Has Hinted At A Sex And The City Spin-Off

Is the return of Samantha Jones on the cards?

Kim Cattrall Has Hinted At A Sex And The City Spin-Off

by Shannon Tran |
Published on

Sex and The City was the iconic TV show of a generation and still has a huge cult following today. The show still has a massive online presence, see the hilarious Instagram chronicling all the outfitsand the rise of the meme has seen Carrie Bradshaw ordering a drive thru cosmo on all of our timelines. There have been several hints at sequels upon sequelsdespite the sequel we all want to forget.

But finally, we may have a solid hint at a spin-off thanks to Liverpool lass, Kim Cattrall. TV personality Wendy Williams, posted a video on twitter stating that 'reportedly Kim Cattrall is in talks with HBO to reprise her role as Samantha Jones.' But how do we know there is any truth to that? I hear you ask. Well, Kim responded with her own little hint...

And then responded to a fan basically confirming it was true

2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the show so the timing couldn’t be better. However, I am sceptical about the whole thing, after the disaster that was SATC2, will they be able to bring something new and modern to the brand? Sequels and spin-offs notoriously never live up to the original product (unless you count The Lion King) and there is the common belief that they are usually just a ploy to milk more money from fans. Samantha is, arguably, the most interesting character today: She’s a powerful woman in business, sexually liberated and doesn’t give a damn about what anyone thinks of her (and a lot less annoying than Carrie). Although we wonder if her stance on political engagement has moved on...

and she actually said this...

So maybe the return of the iconic character won’t be so bad, only time will tell.

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Follow Shannon on Instagram @shannontran

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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