Whenever a season of Love is Blind wraps (with eight US seasons and spin-offs in the UK, Brazil, France, Japan, Sweden, Germany, Argentina, Mexico, Lebanon, Abu Dhabi and Dubai there's plenty to get through), the internet becomes a sounding board for fans' wildest takes and theories. It also becomes an advert for the show itself, which sees contestants get to know each other through separate windowless pods before deciding whether to get engaged, and ultimately married, to a total stranger.
Even if you didn't watch the most recent season, the viral clips and bubbling online discourse make you feel as though you have – and make you want to catch up immediately. Now that season eight of the US show is finished, and the couples have all said I do or I don't, it's time to look back on some of Love is Blind's most iconic moments – from the shocking to the surreal.
The top 8 moments from Love is Blind US and UK
Season 1, US: When Jessica let her dog drink from her wine glass
The first ever season of Love is Blind arrived just before the first lockdown (literally a month before), so it's hardly surprising that it became an instant hit. It also brought us the uniquely bizarre moment when Jessica let her golden retriever Payton have a good glug of her red wine – from the glass – in front of her new fiancé. If you are not alarmed by this then you should take a long, hard look in the mirror. NB: Payton is alive and well, as is Jessica.

Season 5, US: The love triangle between Uche, Aaliyah and Lydia
On a show like this, love triangles are a foregone conclusion, but in season five one love triangle included a couple who had dated before the show. This added a whole new layer of awkwardness between Uche and Aaliyah, who were getting on well in the pods, Aaliyah and Lydia, who were becoming friends in the women's lounge, and Uche and Lydia who used to date before the show.
To make matters worse, Uche claimed Lydia knew he was going on the show. The whole saga proved too much for Aaliyah who sacked the relationship off before leaving the pods. She briefly met Uche on camera at a later date, but sadly it did not go anywhere.

Season 3, US: Andrew using eye drops to fake tears
There are some moments of reality TV gold that don't need explaining. When Andrew whipped out some eye drops in between scenes to fake cry after being dumped by Nancy, he redefined the red flag. After appearing to chuck half the bottle into his eyes, he turned his face to show the cameras his stained cheeks and said, 'I never thought I could care for someone that would bring me to tears.' Was he serious? Yes he was. Luckily, Netflix aired the whole thing, exposing Andrew as a crook and a creep at the same time.

Season 4, US: 'You're gonna need your EpiPen to open up your airways'
The trouble with getting to know multiple people at once is that sometimes it can be difficult to make a decision. This is how Jimmy felt when he couldn't decide whether to propose to Jessica or Chelsea, but ultimately chose Chelsea. Jessica then delivered an iconic break up line to show Jimmy what he was missing. 'When you see and realise what you missed out on, you are going to choke,' she told him through the pods. 'You are gonna need your EpiPen to open up your airways, because you are going to be in disbelief.'

Season 1, UK: Sam's one liners
Sam is made of stuff reality TV casting directors dream of. The only person who fell for his 'nice guy' act was himself, sadly, but he did deliver a lot of great lines. Asked how he wants to look back at his life at 90, he said, 'it would be a book that would be one of the best books that someone could ever read', earning him multiple David Brent comparisons. In another episode he said, 'No one's ever loved me! I need someone to love me.' He also had a tantrum when Jasmine said everything he was saying sounded 'too good too be true' and called her 'ridiculous' and said he should just 'give up' and 'be with no one'. Sam wore nonsense with great confidence and we have to respect him for it.

Season 4, US: Tiffany fell asleep during Brett's speech
Sometimes we all fall asleep in the wrong moment, don't we Tiffany? During one of their late night conversations in the pods, Tiffany dozed off while Brett was declaring his love for her. She later explained that she was very tired after long day of filming and found his voice soothing, leading to an accidental nap... In May, they will celebrate their third wedding anniversary, so it looks like he forgave her in the end.

Season 8, US: Sara rejects Ben because of his views on BLM, LGBTQ and the vaccine
This one is iconic for a different reason, but the way Sara rejected Ben at the altar will go down in Love is Blind history. She was actually very kind and gracious about it and told him he was an amazing person and that she had a great time with him, but she couldn't commit because they did not share the same values.
Later in the car with her mum and sister, she explained that he didn't have any opinions on the Black Live Matter movement, which she found concerning. She also claimed he was also part of a church with homophobic views after researching the church online and that he allegedly had an odd take on 'the vaccine'. She won praise on social media with one X user writing, 'Ok Sara is telling her family that Ben's apathy and indifference about BLM, equality, lgbt rights, the Covid vaccine etc all impacted her decision. I'm so glad she stood on her principles and values.'
In the political climate of 2025, those reasons are as strong as any not to marry someone. Good for you, Sara.

Season 1, UK: Catherine and Freddie cousin gate
Despite getting engaged and nearly getting married, there was a brief moment when Catherine and Freddie thought they might be related. Speaking in the pods, Catherine said, 'My middle name’s Mary…after my gran,' to which Freddie replied, 'My nana was called Mary.' Catherine subsequently broke down in tears after revealing how close she was to her gran.
It doesn't end there. Catherine went on to say her grandad was called Bill and Freddie responded, 'No, I don't believe you. I've got goosebumps. Do you know what my grandad was called? Bill.' Naturally, this set Catherine off for a second time and left her 'in shock'.

Season 1, US: Damian rejects Giannia at the altar and she falls in the mud
Sadly all good seasons of Love is Blind end with a few people getting rejected at the altar. It's literally written into the premise, but it makes your average break up that little bit more embarrassing. When Damian called things off with Giannina on their wedding day she fled the scene, as anyone would, but tumbled (into a muddy bush) on her way out. Talk about a fall from grace.

Nikki Peach is a writer at Grazia UK, working across pop culture, TV and news. She has also written for the i, i-D and the New Statesman Media Group and covers all things TV for Grazia (treating high and lowbrow shows with equal respect).