Here’s When Game Of Thrones Will *Actually* End…

Gulp, not long to go guys…

Here’s When Game Of Thrones Will *Actually* End…

by Pola Namysl |
Published on

It’s now official, Game Of Thrones is finishing at the end of series 8.

The end date was announced by HBO programming chief Casey Bloys at the Television Critics Association on Saturday in Los Angeles. ‘Believe me, (…) if I could get them to do more. I would take 10 more seasons. But we take their [Benioff and Weiss- series creators] lead on what they think they can do the best version of the show.’

They’re definitely ending the show on a high - quite surprising for a show which during its first season had an average audience of over 9 million people per episode, rising to over 25 million during season six (aired June 2016).

After third season it was the second most-viewed show on HBO and people love it so much they even named their kids after the characters.

Seventh season begins filming soon and shall be aired in mid 2017. Though it is not certain when and with how many episodes of season eight will be screened.

If you’re already getting GOT withdrawal freak outs, don’t panic - HBO producers say there’s potential spinoff in the works. What do you reckon? A rom com staring Tyrion Lannister? Or a Jamie Lannister and Brienne of Tarth buddy comedy? Actually both of those sound pretty amazing..

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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