A lot happened in last night’sFleabag, that’s for sure - but, probably the biggest thing that happened is we realised that The Sexy Priest, played by Andrew Scott, actually does have godly powers (even if he doesn’t sleep naked). In the biggest twist to take the series yet, the priest notices the titular character’s bizarre tendency to talk to the audience, which despite there being nine episodes so far, no other characters have yet picked up on. It was excruciatingly awkward. And it was very, very funny.
To be honest, there’s a lot going on here. Fleabag talking to the audience is breaking the fourth wall - that's the invisible, imagined wall which separates actors from the audience, if you didn’t take Media Studies - so, does this mean that the fifth wall has been broken because another character noticed? “What wall was broken there? #fleabag” one Twitter user asked. But somebody else asked the more important question: “Am I a bad person if I really want Fleabag to fuck the priest because I really want Fleabag to fuck the priest?” (The answer is definitely not: they're meant to be.)
The other highlight of the episode was Oscar nominee Kristin Scott Thomas’ appearance, where she gave an eloquent monologue on the pain women are born with - “Women are born with pain built in. It’s our physical destiny. Period pain. Sore boobs. Child birth. We carry it within ourselves, throughout our lives” - before breaking all our hearts when she rejected Fleabag’s kiss. As one person summed up: "Did Phoebe Waller-Bridgereally write Kristin Scott Thomas into Fleabag, make her a gay businesswoman and then kiss her in a bar? Am I seeing this with my own eyes? I need to lie down and I’m already lying down."
Take a look at Fleabag and the Hot Priests best moments together
All The Best Moments Between Fleabag And The Hot Priest

'So hot!'
Where it all began... Fleabag and her sister agreeing that The Hot Priest is in fact hot after the first time they meet him.

'So you're a cool priest now then?'
'So you're a cool priest now then?'

THP then inviting over Fleabag for a cup of tea, only then to crack out the M&S canned G&T. (The store has since said sales have gone up by 24%)
THP then inviting over Fleabag for a cup of tea, only then to crack out the M&S canned G&T. (The store has since said sales have gone up by 24%)

The first sign they were meant to be... 'I haven't been asked a question in 45 minutes' cue The Hot Priest asking, 'So, what do you do?' before she can even finish her sentence.
The first sign they were meant to be... 'I haven't been asked a question in 45 minutes' cue The Hot Priest asking, 'So, what do you do?' before she can even finish her sentence.

Absolute power move, flirting with The Hot Priest after going to church literally just to see him.
Absolute power move, flirting with The Hot Priest after going to church literally just to see him.

The painting falling down when she says she doesn't believe in God.
The painting falling down when she says she doesn't believe in God. Cue THP shouting, 'I love it when he does that!'

THP: 'You were in my prayers last night.' Fleabag: 'Likewise.'
THP: 'You were in my prayers last night.'Fleabag: 'Likewise.'

The look of realisation when she utters: 'Oh God, I fancy a priest'
The look of realisation when she utters: 'Oh God, I fancy a priest'


'Do you really want to fuck the priest, or do you want to fuck God?'
Fiona Shaw making a guest apperance from Killing Eve as Fleabag's therapist.'Do you really want to fuck the priest, or do you want to fuck God?' 'Can you fuck God?''Oh yes.'(She correctly predicts what is going to happen too, all powers to Fiona Shaw.)

Fleabag: 'She orgasmed when she finished it.' The Hot Priest: 'Whatever gets you there.'
Fleabag: 'Don't say it, don't say it. She actually orgasmed when she finished it. I just said it, appaently.'The Hot Priest: 'Whatever gets you there.'

'Arm touch, oooh.'
'Arm touch, oooh.'

'I can't believe I’m asking this, but can I get that coconut back? They’re actually on hire. I’m not sure if all of them are real, which is morally a bit dubious actually.'
'I can't believe I'm asking this, but can I get that coconut back? They're actually on hire. I'm not sure if all of them are real, which is morally a bit dubious actually.' (The disappointment on her face that he hasn't asked for something else is v sad.)

The Hot Priest being scared of foxes.
The Hot Priest being scared of foxes.


Fleabag helping The Hot Priest choose his robes. Couple goals.
Fleabag helping The Hot Priest choose his robes. Couple goals.


The Hot Priest laughing to himself after Fleabag gets up to say 'I sometimes worry I wouldn't be much of a feminist if I had bigger tits.'
The Hot Priest laughing to himself after Fleabag gets up to say 'I sometimes worry I wouldn't be much of a feminist if I had bigger tits.'

'And then, for some reason, I was thinking about your tits which kind of ruined it.'
'And then, for some reason, I was thinking about your tits which kind of ruined it.'

'I think you played with my guinea pig quite enough.'
'I think you played with my guinea pig quite enough.'

'I can't read a Winnie The Pooh quote without crying. Fuck.'
'I can't read a Winnie The Pooh quote without crying. Fuck.'


'Sometimes, I worry I'm only in it for the outfits.'
'Sometimes, I worry I'm only in it for the outfits.'

That confession scene.
That confession scene.

When the sexual tension is finally broken, only for Fleabag to freak out whether he is wearing a skirt AND trousers.
When the sexual tension is finally broken, only for Fleabag to freak out whether he is wearing a skirt AND trousers.

Olivia Colman eloquently shrieking that The Hot Priest a cunt (as soon as he leaves, obviously) when he says he can't officiate their weddding.
Olivia Colman eloquently shrieking that The Hot Priest a cunt (as soon as he leaves, obviously) when he says he can't officiate their weddding.

'Please don't come to the church, I mean that with the greatest of compliments.'
'Please don't come to the church, I mean that with the greatest of compliments.'

'Nine times?'
'Nine times?'

'I can't have sex with you because I'll fall in love with, and while I won't burst into flames, my life will be fucked.'
'I can't have sex with you because I'll fall in love with, and while I won't burst into flames, my life will be fucked.'

'We're going to have sex, aren't we? Mm, yeah'
'We're going to have sex, aren't we? Mm, yeah'

The inevitable happens, obviously. Oh God.
The inevitable happens, obviously. Oh God.

'I just... can't believe you did that.'
'I just... can't believe you did that.'

*casually undercover snogging at the wedding*
casually undercover snogging at the wedding

'You have lipstick all over your face!' 'Oh, fucking hell.'
'You have lipstick all over your face!' 'Oh, fucking hell.'

THP: 'I don't know what this feeling is' Fleabag: 'Is it God, or is it me?' UGH.
THP: 'I don't know what this feeling is'Fleabag: 'Is it God, or is it me?'UGH.

Awkwardly pretending they don't know each other - let alone have had sex, you guys! - at the wedding. V awks for all involved!
Awkwardly pretending they don't know each other - let alone have had sex, you guys! - at the wedding. V awks for all involved!

Literally annoucing to everyone, 'Whew. Fuck me, sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night.'
Literally annoucing to everyone, 'Whew. Fuck me, sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night.'

'It's God, isn't it?' MY. HEART. CAN'T. GO. ON.
'It's God, isn't it?'MY. HEART. CAN'T. GO. ON. </3

'The worst thing is that I fucking love you. I love you. No, let's just leave that out there for a second on its own.'
'The worst thing is that I fucking love you. I love you. No, let's just leave that out there for a second on its own.'

Not a best moment (probably the worst moment of my life) but there we go, it has to be included on the list.
'It'll pass.'Not a best moment (probably the worst moment of my life) but there we go, it has to be included on the list.

'See you Sunday? I'm joking, you are never, ever allowed in my church again.'
'See you Sunday? I'm joking, you are never, ever allowed in my church again.'

'I love you too.'
'I love you too.'Help, the tears. They won't stop falling from my eyes.

'He went that way.'
'He went that way.'