First Dates’ Naomi & Jo: ‘I Thought She Was A Bit Plain Jane’

Fred and the rest of the First Dates team picked another successful match when they got Naomi and Jo together. We caught up with them to see how things are going.

First Dates' Naomi & Jo: 'I Thought She Was A Bit Plain Jane'

by Tabi Jackson Gee |
Published on

Kate and Wills. Kanye and Kim. Naomi and Jo. Everyone’s favourite new couple have given First Dates one of their greatest success stories to date. The two girls met each other during filming earlier this summer, and despite the fact that Naomi thought Jo was a ‘plain Jane’ when she first met her, and Naomi being ‘abnormally small’, they’re still going strong.

Don’t know about you, but we’re always desperate to get an idea of what it’s like to go on First Dates. Like, how does it feel having a camera in your face while you’re chirpsing? What’s it like to know that hundreds of thousands of people are going to be sitting on their sofas, judging your every move…?

So we caught up with our fave new couple to find out if it really was love at first sight, and how awkward it is having a televised date at midday (turns out: very)...

So ladies. What made you decide to put your romantic fate in the hands of TV producers?

Jo: I decided to go on it because I’d been single for two years and I was bored. I like trying new things and so I thought, why not. Let’s do it.

Naomi: I’d been single for six months and thought it was time to get back in the game, and thought what better way than to go on First Dates?

Sitting at the bar, waiting for your date to arrive, with a load of cameras pointing at you – fun?

Jo: Ours was a lunch time date. It was a really hot day so I was roasting, which was making me more nervous. I’m not a very nervous person usually so it was alright, but it was a bit like (laughing) ‘Oo!’

Naomi: I didn’t know if I was going to be the first in or what. So I was waiting outside in the sweltering heat for half an hour. And I’m not going to lie, I was really, really nervous, but my nervousness was in case I didn’t fancy the person and I was going to have to sit in front of them on TV. And yeah, I was very worried about that.

Jo: I was more nervous about TV than the date!

And is it safe to say, you weren’t disappointed when you first saw each other?

Naomi: I was shocked at how well they managed to get my pick. They take in all the characteristics and what you like and dislike. When I saw her I was very, very happy.

Jo: When Naomi walked in I thought I should have worn heels, because she was wearing heels! But I’m so glad I didn’t. It’s safe to say there’s definitely a big height difference.

Naomi: The thing with me, and everyone I’ve dated, is that I am abnormally small. Even with heels on, it’s

not going to make a difference.

Everything went pretty swimmingly on TV. But where there any super awkward moments we didn’t get to see?

Jo: Yeah, kind of afterwards. We were both like, I don’t know if she’s interested…

Naomi: We settled up the bill, I said, ‘Right, OK, you need to take me for a drink.’ And she said yes, which I didn’t really expect. And part of me just thought maybe she’s just saying yes, then in a minute she’s going to get in a separate taxi. But she got in with me!

Phew! So how was the drink afterwards?

Jo: We had a little smooch...

Did it feel different when you were suddenly away from the cameras? Did either of you start acting differently?

Jo: Yeah, you definitely are more open about stuff you probably wouldn’t talk about on TV.

Naomi: Yeah, definitely. I started to get to know her. You still get to know them when you’re on the show and when you’re in the restaurant. But there’s some things where you still think, wait, I’m on camera still. I can’t discuss that now. So then when we got to know each other I thought she was alright. I thought she was a bit plain Jane when I first met her. Sorry babe!!

Ummm….Are you joking?!

Jo: Nope. She genuinely thought I was really boring.

Naomi: I really, really thought when I met her, ‘Yeah, she’s a pretty girl’ but do I want to go on a date with her or not? I didn’t think she was boring, but I thought she was a bit like ‘meh.’

Well I’m glad it worked out eventually! So you went for a drink, then did you straight away decide you were going to see each other again?

Naomi: No.

Jo: Did you not?!

Naomi: No babe, I messaged you that night. I was at the pub with my mates. I was asking my friend if I

should message you. I didn’t want to seem too keen, but I didn’t want you to date anyone else.

Jo: The next day we were on the phone for like three hours. And then like every day since.

It’s a modern day fairy tale. Have you met the friends? Family?

Jo: I’m meeting her friends tomorrow night.

Eek, are you nervous?

Jo: No, not really!

And there you have it kids: true IRL love. How’s that to round off the series?

The last episode(!) of this series of First Dates (don't worry it's back in January) is on 17th December at 9PM on Channel 4

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Follow Tabi on Twitter @tabijgee

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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