What is it? *Divergent, *the latest Young Adult dystopian to be movie-fied. Thanks, Hunger Games!
What’s it about? Well, it's based on the first book in the Divergent trilogy. (Why do these things always come in threes?) It’s set in a future version of Chicago, where all the young people are given a test to decide which ‘factions’ they fit into. You can either remain in the faction you grew up in with your family or 'transfer' into the one your were recommended. Then, there's the ‘Divergents’ – ie. Someone who doesn't fit into any of them. No prizes for guessing which category our heroine Tris fits into.
Who’s in it? Well, Shailene Woodley, who we spoke to last week about her vagina, plays Tris, and Theo James, who we unsuccessfully tried to get Shailene to give our number to. ICYMI, he’s a rather delicious chap to look at. He’s English. AND he’s old enough – he's 29 – to fancy without feeling pervy. Also, fun fact: He also played the Turkish diplomat that died while giving Lady Mary a good seeing to in the first series of Downton Abbey, nearly ruining her reputation forever.
Right. It also stars Ashley Judd. Remember her? She was/is great. And Kate Winslet.
And is this basically just Hunger Games mark two? Hmm. Sort of. It's definitely benefitted from how popular Hunger Games has made YA fiction again. Not that everything's going to stop there, though. Divergent isTIP of the YA iceberg.
What are people saying? ‘I'm never really sure how readers will take changes to the movie but, for me, I wasn't overly upset about the alterations that were made. I was far too busy fawning over Four and feeling the rush of crazy Dauntless antics. The Divergent movie truly captures the spirit, adventure and excitement of the book, and I cannot wait to see again once it's out.' Lisa Parkin, YA blogger on The Huffington Post.
'Rising star Woodley (who picked up a Golden Globe nomination playing George Clooney's daughter in The Descendants) gives it some welly in the lead role, more than holding her own again Kate Winslet's sinister uber-matriarch Jeanine, but Tris is no Katniss Everdeen, at least not yet.' Mark Kermode in The Observer.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.