We all know that adulting is hard. As in, there aren’t nearly enough memes in the world to fully explain just how fantastically awkward it is to try and be an actual, legitimate grown up (because what does being a grown up even mean?).
But thankfully, we’ve got something that might make the whole process of navigating this big and beautiful (scary) thing we call life a little bit better. And it comes in the form of The DebriefThe Debrief’s very own podcast. Did you just cheer? We cheered.
That’s right, we’re hitting the audio waves to share some life lolz and actually helpful wisdom to try and answer those weird questions about being a functional human being that you’ve Googled but still can’t get your head around. It’s kind of like Ask An Adult for your ears. Exciting, ain’t it.
Each week The Debrief’s Stevie and Tessa will be on hand (erm, headphones?) to help you get your life together. They’ll be doing all of the hard, boring research for you into the things that you actually need to know to get by in life.
Each episode will be full of info from experts in various fields of adulating and the first one (which is available right now, btw) is called ‘How To Meet New People When You’re So, So Lonely’. Stevie and Tessa will be talking all things loneliness which, if we're honest, isn't spoken about enough. From how social media is stopping us from physically speaking IRL (which is an important part of being a human, honest) to worrying about going to parties and those other social situations that require interacting with people.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 55: How To Quit Sugar

Most people know they should eat less sugar, but where to start? How much sugar is ok? Which sugars are good for you and which sugars are bad? How do you cut down the amount you’re eating each day? Stevie and Tessa have got you covered. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and leave us a review.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 54: How To Go Running

Not a runner but want to be? Stevie and Tessa have got you covered. From how to start running, how to keep running to what to listen to when you’re running and how to motivate yourself when you want to stop running. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 53: How To Nail Your Work Experience/Internship

This week Stevie and Tessa are discussing how to survive your work experience placement - featuring some of the most horrifying work experience disaster stories you will ever hear. Don't forget to leave us a review and subscribe on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 52: How To Stop Worrying

Are you a worrier? Do you want to stop worrying about absolutely everything? This week Stevie and Tessa are here with a few tips and advice on how to worry less. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 51: How To Survive A Hangover

You can’t cure a hangover per se, but you can learn to survive it better. This week Stevie and Tessa are looking at hangover cures, the best stuff to eat, what a hangover actually is, and basically how to get through the day, one minute at a time. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 50: How To Talk About Feminism

Stevie and Tessa sometimes get very confused and defensive and hot and sweaty talking about feminism - so this week, they try to work out how best to chat about it without exploding.
The Debrief Podcast episode 49: How To Deal With Cystitis

This week’s burning question (sorry) is how to deal with cystitis. From causes to cures, this week Stevie and Tessa have all your cystitis needs covered… Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 48: How To Be On Time

Always running late? There are loads of different reasons why people are bad at time keeping - but this week Stevie and Tessa are here with some pro tips on how to get better at being on time. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 47: Ethical Fashion: What Is It And How Can I Do It?
This week Stevie and Tessa are taking about the rising popularity of ethical fashion, why it’s so important, and how you can consume fashion ethically without spending all your rent money on one top. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 46: How To Be Good At Self Care

Self care is not (necessarily) about moisturising - it’s about doing the stuff that makes you feel good and cutting out the stuff that doesn’t. This week Stevie and Tessa tell you how… You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 45: How To Enjoy Spending Time On Your Own
This week, Stevie and Tessa are talking about how to learn to enjoy your own company - even if the thought of hanging out alone fills you with total doom. You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 44: How To Make Your Rented House Or Flat Feel Like A Home

This week Stevie and Tessa are talking about how to make your rented place nice, even when there’s a crappy carpet you can’t do anything about and you don’t want to spend loads of money. You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 43: How To Get Better At Self Promotion

How are you supposed to talk yourself up if promoting your own work makes you go all hot and flustered? This week Stevie and Tessa are talking about how to shout about your achievements on social media and IRL without sounding smug/boring everyone you’ve ever met/spontaneously combusting from embarrassment. You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 42: How To Be More Assertive

Do you get stressed about picking restaurants, dealing with tricky people or pushing back at work? This week Stevie and Tessa are talking about how to be more assertive (without shouting). You can [download this week's episode here](http://podcast.timlradio.co.uk/Debrief/20180115124221.mp34221.mp3). Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 41: How To Keep Your Houseplant(s) Alive

Buying a houseplant, and subsequently keeping it alive, might just be the most grown-up thing you can do in your twenties - but how do you do it? How often are you supposed to water them? Are you meant to re-pot them? Stevie and Tessa have all your questions answered…
You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 40: How to smash new year without setting resolutions

Hey, you! You're doing so well just as you are! Don't write a list of a million things you'll never achieve because, if you did, you'd have to transform into an entirely different person. Stevie and Tessa show you how to grab 2018 by the balls without setting yourself up for failure. You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 39: What To Do In The Bit Between Christmas And New Year

A list of great things you can do to keep yourself from going mad at home. Also, we come up with some fun ways to make incredibly dull extended family gatherings a little bit more interesting (ever played the Try And Get A Really Bad Swear Word Into The Convo Without Anyone Noticing game? Right then).
You candownload this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 38: How To Survive Christmas

This week it’s the Christmas special! Stevie and Tessa have all your Christmas problems sorted - what’s the etiquette of asking your parents for presents now that you’re an adult with a job? How do you navigate tricky relatives? How do you decide who to go to for Christmas without tying yourself in knots? All these festive questions answered and more…
You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 37: How To Be Single

Being single can be great - but it can also sometimes be hard. This week Stevie and Tessa are talking about how to do it right. You can download this week's episode here. download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 36: How To Throw A Stress-Free Christmas Party

Got the Christmas party fear? This week Stevie and Tessa have literally everything you need to have a banging Christmas party (spoiler: plenty of booze and games). You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 35: How To Cut Toxic People Out Of Your Life

How can you tell if you’re in a toxic friendship? How can you stop a friendship becoming toxic before it’s too late and how do you know when it’s time to ditch a toxic friend for good? This week Stevie and Tessa are looking at how to deal with the tricky people in your life, and why ghosting a friend is sometimes the best thing you can do… You can download this week's episode ****herehere**here. Don't forget to subscribe and**** leave us a review on iTunes**leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 34: How To Move In With Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Special Person

Planning on moving in with your boyfriend/girlfriend/special person who you don’t want to refer to as your partner? So is Stevie, and this week she and Tessa discussing the pitfalls to avoid, like what to do if you have wildly different bedtimes, how to stop taking each other for granted and why it’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t work out...
You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 33: How To Survive In The City

This week Tessa and Stevie, who both grew up outside of London talk about how to hack living in a big city for the first time. They draw on the lessons of their year 9 Geography classes and reveal some of their favourite places to sit down, take a moment and remember how great London is.
The Debrief Podcast 32: How To Deal With Catcalling

Every woman has a 'me too', this week Stevie and Tessa share their experiences of catcalling, discuss The Bystander Effect and talk about how it affects us, as women, when we're just trying to go about our everyday lives.
The Debrief Podcast Episode 31: Things You Didn't Know About Halloween

It’s the spookiest night of the year guys - here’s how to do it right, whether you’re having a full-on house party with costumes and games, or just building a fort in your flat and watching horror films (both of which are totally legit ways to spend Halloween). Featuring some VERY scary stories.
**You can download this week's episode {:
The Debrief Podcast Episode 30: How To Survive Winter Without Feeling Sad And Cold

WTF is hygge? What do you wear if you hate wearing roll necks? How do you stop your head getting cold in the night? All your burning winter questions answered by Stevie and Tessa…
You can download this week's episode ****herehere**here. Don't forget to subscribe and **leave us a review on iTunesleave us a review on iTunes**
The Debrief Podcast Episode 29: How To Deal With Jealousy

Everyone gets jealous sometimes, even Beyonce (probably). So this week Stevie and Tessa talk about how to deal with jealousy and stop it taking over your life…
You can download this week's episode ****herehere**here. Don't forget to subscribe and **leave us a review on iTunesleave us a review on iTunes**
The Debrief Podcast Episode 28: How To Write A Truly Excellent CV And Be Amazing At Job Interviews

On the hunt for a new job? Not sure exactly how acceptable it is to lie on your CV? This week Stevie and Tessa have loads of advice on how to nail your Curriculum Vitae and all the job interviews you will definitely be getting once you’ve sent it out.
You can download this week's episode ****herehere**here. Don't forget to subscribe and **leave us a review on iTunesleave us a review on iTunes**
The Debrief Podcast Episode 27: How To Give Up Smoking

Even if you’re just a social smoker, giving up cigarettes can be HARD. So this week, Stevie and Tessa are here to help you and your lungs out with some advice on how to quit for good. Non smokers also welcome to tune in, just for the lols.
You can download this week's episode ****herehere**here. Don't forget to subscribe and **leave us a review on iTunesleave us a review on iTunes**
The Debrief Podcast Episode 26: How To Exercise When You're Really Lazy

Want to start exercising but haven't done any sports since Year 11 PE? Stevie and Tessa have got your (soon to be very fit) back with everything you need to get up off the sofa when you absolutely CBA...
You can download this week's episode ****herehere**here. Don't forget to subscribe and **leave us a review on iTunesleave us a review on iTunes**
The Debrief Podcast Episode 25: How To Deal With Fresher's Week

It’s Fresher’s Week guys! And Stevie and Tessa are here to deal with all your uni woes - from how to deal with being a small fish in a big pond and what to do when you meet people who are posher than you, to why you definitely shouldn’t feel bad if you don’t love it straight away...
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 24: How To Be More Productive

This week Stevie and Tessa are LIVE at the Red Bull studios discussing how to be more productive and get stuff done.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 23: How To Find Out What You Want To Do With Your Life

Not sure if you’re in the right job? No idea what to do next? Don’t worry - Stevie and Tessa are here to make everything better. This week, they’re exploring how to find out what you want to do with your life when you have no idea.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here... Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 22: How To Network

This week, Stevie and Tessa have lots of thoughts on why the term networking should be banned, how to chat at careers events, and how you can even network your little socks off in social situations
**You can ****download this week's episode here.download this week's episode here.download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 21: How To Survive Other People's Weddings

Friends’ weddings are a social minefield. This week Stevie and Tessa explore how to negotiate insane hen dos, the expense of wedding gifts, and the perils of being a plus one.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 20: How To Be More Organised

WTF is bullet journaling? How can you develop organised habits? What actually happened to Stevie's wall chart? All these questions answered and more in this week's super-organised and efficient podcast...
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 19: How To Sleep Better

Whether you can’t get to sleep or can’t get out of bed in the morning, loads of us are rubbish at sleeping. In this week’s podcast, Stevie and Tessa investigate how to do it right.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 18: How To Deal With Your Housemates

Living in the house share of horrors? Not sure how to deal with passive aggressive Post-its from your flatmate? Worried you’re loud, loud sex is upsetting everyone else in the house? This week Stevie and Tessa are exploring the many pitfalls of sharing a house or flat, with tips on how to be a model housemate.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 17: How To Deal With Your Periods

You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 16: How To Do Summer When You’re Not A Summer Person

Hate the heat? Always get sunburnt? Can’t get your head around summer clothes? Stevie and Tessa are here to tackle all your summer problems. Featuring: wasps, upper arms, mosquitos and how to sleep when it’s too, too hot.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 15: How To Become A Tidy Person

Are you a messy, messy person? Do you have loads of stuff, that you can never keep tidy? This week Tessa tells Stevie how she became a tidy person. Disclaimer, Marie Kondo features heavily in this episode.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 14: How To Kick Ass At Work When Your Confidence Is Shot

You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 13: How To Be A Morning Person

'Are you a morning person? Come on...who is? This week Tessa and Stevie find out whether you can be better at mornings'
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 12: How To Be Vegan

Yesterday was World Meat Free Day so this week Stevie and Tessa are going balls deep into veganism. Here's a non preachy guide to being a bit more vegan, even when your mouth really loves meat and cheese sometimes...
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 11: How To Have Sex

Are you pregnant? Should you buy a sex toy? Why can’t you orgasm? This week Stevie and Tessa answer (some of) the sex uestions you guys have been googling…
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 10: How To Know Who To Vote For

Confused about politics? Stevie and Tessa are here. This week they go through each of the main party manifestos and ask Debrief Deputy Editor, Vicky Spratt, what do they mean? Do they mean anything?
**You can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to ****subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 9: How To Poo Properly

In this week's Poocast, Stevie and Tessa want to know why we can't talk about pooing, how to poo right, and what your poo says about youuuuu....
You ****can download this week's episode herecan download this week's episode here**can download this week's episode here. Don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 8: How To Look After The Environment
This week Stevie and Tessa are talking about how we can all do our bit to save the planet without feeling overwhelmed and freaked out.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes**subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 7: Money Hacks To Help You Get Your Finances Straight
Whether you’re struggling with debt, trying to save some money or just need to ditch that pricey Uber habit, Stevie and Tessa are here with non-boring advice on getting your finances straight.
You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes**subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief Podcast Episode 6: How To Deal With Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome happens to us all. How do we stop playing down our achievement and celebrating and embracing our success? Tessa and Stevie find out with some help from therapeutic consultant Shahroo Izadi. You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes**subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes
The Debrief podcast episode 5: How To Deal When Someone Has Dropped Your Heart Down Some Stairs
Feel like someone’s ripped your heart out, stomped all over it and posted it back to you? Stevie and Tessa are on hand with a beginner’s guide to surviving heartbreak. You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunes... **
The Debrief Podcast Episode 4: Domestic Hacks So You Never Have To 'Get A Man In'
Can’t work out if your boiler’s broken? Inexplicably need to rewire a plug? This week Stevie and Tessa are investigating how to fix stuff around the home, without automatically calling your parents, landlord or an pricey emergency plumber you found on the internet. With expert advice from Hattie Hasan, founder of Stopcocks Women Plumbers. You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunes... **
The Debrief Podcast Episode 3: How To Jack It All In And Leave The Rat Race
Want to leave your life but no idea how to actually do it? Desperate for an adventure but also feel totally terrified at the prospect? Stevie and Tessa are here to help you unfurl your wings, guys. You can ****download this week's episode heredownload this week's episode here**download this week's episode here. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunes... **
The Debrief Podcast Episode 2: How To Do Things That Scare You
Totally freaked out by wasps? Crippled by a fear of failure? This week, Stevie and Tessa look at how to face the things that scare you and embrace them (metaphorically, you should never embrace a wasp) With help from With Clinical Psychologist Elaine Iljon Foreman. You ****can download the episode herecan download the episode here**can download the episode here, and don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunes...
The Debrief Podcast Episode 1: How To Meet People When You're So, So Lonely
This week Stevie and Tessa look at how to deal with Millennial loneliness. How do you make new friends when you've left your uni mates behind? What do you do when everyone else is having a great time on Instagram and you're 8-episodes into a Saturday night Netflix binge? How do you turn your 30-message Whatsapp chain into an IRL meet up? The Debrief tackles all these problems AND MORE. You ****can download the episode herecan download the episode here**can download the episode here, and don't forget to **subscribe and leave us a review on iTunessubscribe and leave us a review on iTunes...
Want to subscribe? Silly question. Of course, you do. Click RIGHT HERE to automatically get The Debrief podcast straight to your ears every week. No FOMO here, friends. And most importantly of all, don't forget to leave us a review.
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**Follow Jazmin on Instagram **@JazKopotsha@JazKopotsha
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.