Cruel Intentions: Here’s The Premise Of The New (Sarah Michelle Gellar Starring!) TV Show

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Cruel Intentions: Here's The Premise Of The New (Sarah Michelle Gellar Starring!) TV Show

by Jess Commons |
Published on

Super great news today guys. Nope, not the fact that Adele has well and truly been confirmed as the excellent person we always knew she was. No, obviously that is great but what's *also *great is the fact that Sarah Michelle Gellar ('SMG' as those old enough to remember her the first time around called her) has confirmed that she's going to appear in the new TV series based on perhaps the most excellent late 90s film Cruel Intentions.

The film ( which came out a casual 17 years ago, sure) is based on play Les Liaisons Dangereuses is about a pair of step-siblings attempting to manipulate the reputations of the New York society scene by fucking their way through most of them. It's about the importance of reputation, class and social standing and, also, it starred a young Ryan Phillippe and Dawson's Creek-level intellectual dialogue.

Anyways, a TV show is being made and SMG is going to star. It's set to take place 15 years in the future with Sarah Michelle Gellar reprising her role as Kathryn Merteuil as she heads up the family business. Not only that, she's also going to be putting her efforts into trying to shag a guy called 'Bash' who is (wait for it) the SON of her late stepbrother Sebastian and Reese Witherspoon's Annette.

See, Bash has been living in small town Kansas and, when he finds his father's diary, realises he's got a legacy that needs addressing. So, in the same vein as Dan Humphrey in Gossip Girl, he trades his humble upbringings for one of a presitigious upper-class prep school in San Fransisco full of 'sex, money, power, and corruption'.

The original film (the less said about the Amy Adams starring Cruel Intentions 2 the better) was quick-witted, progressive (hello early internet revenge porn) and on point about isad but often true observations about how men and women are percieved sexually. As Kathryn says in the film; 'It's okay for guys like you to fuck everyone. But when I do it, I get dumped for innocent little twits like Cecile. God forbid, I exude confidence and enjoy sex. Do you think I relish the fact that I have to act like Mary Sunshine 24/7 so I can be considered a lady? I'm the Marcia fucking Brady of the Upper East Side, and sometimes I want to kill myself.'

So, will the TV show bring the same level of importance to our lives? Maybe. It's got the original director Roger Kumble and producer Neal Mortiz and board and, in lieu of Ryan Phillippe, is starring newbie Taylor John Smith as Bash. We don't know who he is but he is rather attractive, although he does have the rather odd habit of putting the date and time on all his Instagram pictures. So there's that.

Anyways, fingers crossed the TV show lives up to it's namesake. We could do with a new Gossip Girl round here.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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