Viral Chewbacca Mask Sells Out Everywhere

The wookie mask that has over 140 million live video views on Facebook is now harder than ever to get hold of

Viral Chewbacca Mask Sells Out Everywhere

by Emily Giblett |
Published on

‘Oh I’m Such A Happy Chewbacca’

If you were thinking of masquerading as everyone’s favourite wookie this weekend you may be out of luck. The Star Wars Chewbacca Electronic Mask that featured in Facebook’s most viewed live video has sold out pretty much everywhere.

Last week, Candace Payne accidentally hit the dizzying heights of viral stardom and the video, in which the Star Wars mask reduces her to uncontrollable giggles, now has over 140 million views and 3.2 million shares. If you haven’t already seen the original video (where have you been?!) then it’s here for your viewing pleasure:

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Follow Emily on Twitter @emgiblett

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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