The Real Story Behind Belle Gibson’s Relationship In Apple Cider Vinegar

The Netflix drama has got everyone talking...

Apple Cider Vinegar

by Alice Hall |
Updated on

Netflix latest drama, Apple Cider Vinegar, has everyone talking, and it's easy to see why. The show is based on the unbelievable true story of Belle Gibson, the Australian influencer who lied about having a terminal illness to promote alternative therapies, tricking the world into believing her story. After years of deception, that included amassing millions of followers to her social media channels and publishing a book with Penguin, Belle's wellness empire crumbled after all of her claims turned out to be a sham. Afterwards, she suffered serious repercussions.

While Apple Cider Vinegar is a dramatised retelling of these events, there's still plenty of interest in Belle's real life story. Right now, search for 'where is Belle Gibson today' is up +3,450% on Google, while 'Belle Gibson husband' and 'Belle Gibson children' are breakout search terms under her name.

So without further ado, here's everything we know about Belle Gibson's relationship history...

Is the real Belle Gibson married?

No, as far as we know Belle Gibson isn't married. However, in Apple Cider Vinegar, we meet Belle's love interest, Clive Rothwell, who helps Belle move out of her flat with Nathan. In the show, he takes on the role of stepdad to Belle's son, and supports Belle through a miscarriage. However, his parent's later become suspicious of Belle's lies, and their relationship crumbles.

Clive is a real person, although it's not actually known how close the couple were. In an interview with Woman's Day, Belle revealed she and Clive, who reportedly works in IT, was 'supportive, but obviously devastated' when Belle owned up to her lies. 'He’s been very stern, along the lines of, "I just want you to acknowledge where you’ve f*cked up and not try and smooth over that,"' she said at the time. Belle has one child from a previous relationship.

Most of what else we know about Clive comes from Belle's court statements. Belle denied that she was romantically involved with Clive, and said she didn't know what he did for a living. In 2019, Belle appeared in court after failing to pay $410,000 fine she was given for making false claims about donating to charity. In this court appearance, Belle mentioned Clive several times, including that he paid for a family trip to Africa, her share of their $600 per-week rent, and thousands of dollars in legal expenses. It's not known whether Clive and Belle are still together now. Clive has not ever publicly commented on the relationship.

Where is the real Belle Gibson now?

Since her lies came crashing down, Belle Gibson has pretty much disappeared from the public eye. In 2020, AU news reported that Belle had failed to pay more than $500,000 in penalties and interest, which led to her home being raided by the Victorian Sheriff’s Office. Her home was raided again in 2021, in an attempt to recoup her unpaid fines. As of February 2021, the Federal Court has marked Belle's case as “abandoned,” according to reports in Women’s Weekly.

In 2020, Belle was seen in a social media video, with claims circulating that she had been adopted into Ethiopia's Oromo community in Melbourne. In the video, Belle can be seen wearing headscarf and referring to herself as Sabontu. However, the leader of the tribal group stated that Belle was 'not a community member,' as reported by The Australian.

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