And Just Like That: Fans Predict Heartbreak For Miranda

'I couldn't help but wonder: how will Miranda feel when Che pulls a Samantha?'


by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

The biggest plot line in And Just Like That right now has nothing to do with Carrie, in which Che turned furious as they discovered Miranda wasn't in an open marriage after all. That, and Che admitting their love for Miranda, was the final push Miranda needed to tell Steve she isn't happy. And then, in a move completely off-brand for the usually rational Miranda, we see her on her way to Cleveland to surprise Che at one of their comedy concerts. Who knows what will happen in the last two episodes?

But, as I - and most fans - think, there's probably going to be a lot of tears in store for Miranda. After blowing up her own life, and leaving the nicest man alive, Steve, how likely is it that Miranda is going to be able to have a relationship with Che Diaz? After all, Che is a person who repeatedly told Miranda that they won't be able to give her anything 'traditional'. Probably meaning that they're not going to be happy just staying with Miranda, when Miranda's heart is so obviously set on Che, and Che only.

'You just KNOW Miranda's heading for heartbreak, don't you...,' as one fan tweeted, with another adding: 'Miranda’s gonna be left with Che Diaz’s hoodie, a hangover and a broken heart.' One referenced the iconic scene in the original series, when Samantha doesn't even know who is speaking when a man calls her up to reveal he left his wife for her: 'In the next episode of #AndJustLikeThat , I can't help but wonder: how will Miranda feel when Che pulls a Samantha.' Another prediction reads: 'Predicting that Miranda will find Che Diaz hooking up with someone else (while simultaneously smoking weed) when she goes on this trip to surprise them next week.'

Look, we're happy to be proved wrong, but in this instance, we would be incredibly surprised if Miranda and Che do go the distance and live a happily ever after. But, really, does Miranda deserve a fairy-tale ending after everything she's done to Steve? The jury's still out.

READ MORE: And Just Like That: All The Funniest Reactions To That Che And Miranda Scene

READ MORE: And Just Like That: Steve Deserves Better

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