5 TED Talks To Inspire You If You Just Graduated And You’re Freaking Out

So you're no longer a student and life's all a bit adult and scary? Never fear, TED has your back.

5 TED Talks To Inspire You If You Just Graduated And You're Freaking Out

by Emily Giblett |
Published on

You couldn't wait to hand in your dissertation and put the pen down on your final exam, but now you've actually finished for real and you've been sat in your pants watching Netflix and doing copious amounts of adult colouring for the last two weeks. Well that's the worst case scenario anyway. Even if you just need a little bit of reassurance that everything will be ok then take a look at these for some motivation to DO SOMETHING.

1. The Career Advice You Probably Didn't Get

Ok so this last one isn't strictly a TED Talk, but it does come highly recommended by them, and us too. The founder of Apple and Pixar gave this speech to graduates at Stanford in 2005. There will undoubtedly be setbacks in life, but Jobs' talk focuses on how to find positivity and inspiration in negative circumstances.

You can also find loads more great talks for new grads on YouTube. If you search 'commencement speech', you'll find speakers such as J.K. Rowling, Bill Gates and Oprah.

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Follow Emily on Twitter @emgiblett

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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