Pinterest is the place to go for #holidaygoals right? So that’s why we’re bringing your very own Roman holiday Pinterest guide. From food you’ll want to shove in your mouth to rooftop airbnbs, get yourself on that flight and into the world of gelato. ASAP.

1. You’ve just landed so check into your AirBnB
This one is right by metro stop Cavour (5 minutes walk away from the Colosseum), and has a roof top terrace so if you sit outside you’ll basically be inside it and won’t have to pay.

2. Explore Monti cause it's ace.
You can walk from your AirBnb in about three minutes flat, handy. This neighborhood has everything: cobbled streets, packed out bars and a square where you can buy cheap beers and sip them outside in the sun. For a seriously good meal check out Urbana47, the interiors are dreamy and so is the food.

3. Eat all the arancini
Oh and be sure to go to Ciuri Ciuri for an arancini while in this neighbourhood – you will not be disappointed.

4. Time for driiiiiinks
Rome has about a thousand places to grab a drink, but if you're going to sip on one it should be a negroni. It is every Italian’s drink of choice, after all. Or, make your own on and drink it on your Airbnb rooftop terrace, your choice!

5. Be sure to check out all the sights
You’ll obviously go to all the touristy areas, but be sure to go to the Aventine Keyholetoo for one of the best secret (but not so secret anymore) views in Rome.

6. After you should head to Trastevere
This area is B.E.A.U.T.I.FUUUL. It’s best early-ish morning or just after lunch when it’s not too crowded. Soak up the culture and the earthy colored houses and go for a long stroll.

7. Did somebody say shopping?
Pifebo vintage shops have exploded all over Rome and there’s now so many I can’t keep count. But be sure to go to at least one, especially if you’re a Dr Martens lover – you can get a pair of the original boots for 30 euro, steal or what.

8. You still haven’t tried gelato?
Wait whaaaat. Run over to Come ill Latte for the gelato of your life. My mouth is watering just thinking about them.

9. Stroll along the River Tiber
Go for a wander and enjoy the view of St Peters Basilica from afar. If you go in the warmer months you can check our the bars along the water and feel like you're in an Italian film watching the sun set. doesn't that sound nice?

10. Eat all the food in the world
I'm very aware that pizza hasn’t made an appearance in this guide yet, but thats because Rome isn’t all that for cheesy doughy goodness. But you should definitely check out Momart Cafe– 10 euro for all you can eat pizza, pasta, salad and one giant cocktail? SOLD.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.