Reddit Users Share Their Worst (And Best) Airbnb Stories

Featuring the guy who set his host's house on fire...

Reddit Users Share Their Worst (And Best) Airbnb Stories

by Jess Commons |
Published on

While all of us use Airbnb to go travelling round the world, not quite as many of us are able (or happy) to host. Here’s some stories from the other side.

This guy, who can stay round ours any time

I had popped my bike’s front tire, and I didn’t have time to take it to the bike shop for a couple days. Since I use my bike to get to work, it was a serious pain in the ass. My guest split the tires and re-inflated them, patching the hole with spare rubber. He also told me to call him if I broke my bike again. He wasn’t a bike mechanic, just a cycling enthusiast. Amazing guy.

This guy, who shouldn’t be allowed to have nice things

We got $2,000 cash from a dude who threw a party at one of our units. People actually puked in the AC vents.. (sic) like the old school come up from the floor vents... Done.

This guy, who might want to take his drinking elsewhere

Drunk constantly keeps refilling fire pit after told not to, throws beer cans into neighbors yard and then wet the king sized bed to the point it was gagging the next morning and I had check ins on that bed that night. Prime Now saved our ass. Memory foam king bed in 3 hours....

This guy, who can come on over to our place

‘I live in LA (Hollywood), and was invited to a Universal Music Grammy party from a big wig that stayed at my place! I had the flu and probably gave it to everyone, I wasn’t going to miss that damn party for anything.’

This guy, who needs to sort his life out

‘I had someone leave a used enema behind some bottles under the sink...

I know who fucking did it too. Ohhhh it irks me..

If you could capture my face when I got the text from the Guest who found it.’

And this person. Who erm... just wow

‘Lit my house on fire.’

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons

Picture: Eugenia Loli

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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